Beata Ackerman

An interview, full of insights, with Beata Ackerman, a researcher and activist:

Tidings from Himalayas

A new recruit has joined us: Muazzam. Dropped out after class 8. No rewards for guessing why. Runs a grocery in a nearby village. His father was in the OPD a few days back, when TISA took its trainees to the hospital OPD for a live demo cum practice. Father spoke to us and mentioned […]

ToastMaster’s speech, Project-4

Hi All, great morning/afternoon !yesterday, gave another speech, but this time a very glum speech topic, apologies for it. Although the audience strength was low, people were appreciative about the content of the speech. I goofed up (again ;)quite a couple of times. I was entrusted with a role of ToastMaster of the day for […]

“Excellent Communication is a must”

I have spent about thirty years working in different organizations. I have seen some of the seamier side of “Excellent communication skills in action”! Anyway, here is an interesting take on “Excellent Communication skills” requested by advertisers:


Last Friday a PWS Mr. Rakesh (name changed on request), met me and discussed the problem in detail. He is 22 years old, an IT professional & having this problem since childhood. After discussion I realized that he is yet to accept this issue from heart. Because when I asked him whether I may put […]

Pune SHG meet: 4/7/2010

Hi All, Good Evening.Last Sunday again, we met at the same venue at around quarter to eleven in the morning.This time, besides the usual suspects (viz. Manohar, Sanjeet, Rupesh, Syed), we had some new faces viz. Bhaskar and Manpreet. we occupied our seats and started meditating. Then we started a round of introduction using any […]

Rs 20,000 in 20 days & the cure

TISA has received following feedback about a Speech therapist in Chandigarh: “I had around two telephonic discussions with a speech therapist based in Chandigarh in recent past, who assured complete cure for a fee of Rs.20000/- to be paid in advance.. During discussions he mentioned that he will give contact numbers of persons who had […]

DAF review

Delayed Auditory feedback is based on Choral effect. When you say something in unison with others- you forget all your hesitation and speak fluently. This is no cure and no strategy for long term management. Just a way to convince yourself that you can be fluent- under some circumstances- if you already did not know […]

Quiz time: answer

Some of you have written about the video in the recent Quiz. Most people have thought of the person featured as a PWS. The fact is – he is a person with ‘normal’ speech. He came to us looking for help for his younger brother who is a CWS. All the dis-fluencies shown in the […]

My Thoughts

My Thoughts regarding stammering :Date :1st July,2010I have stammering problem from the childhood. Yesterday evening I met Mr. Jasbir Singh Sandhu (very senior officer in the central Govt. department) who was there to help others. I have come to know about Mr. Sandhu from the internet site . Mr. Jasbir Singh told me that […]

Quiz time !

One can learn a lot by observing others. But for us PWS, speech becomes a distasteful topic. We neither want to observe minutely ourselves while talking nor others. When we do watch others talking, our attitude is that of a child, eying another child, with a huge doughnut! Not very objective. Nor very helpful. For […]

Exit Interviews (EI)

At the end of the 5 day free communication workshop organized by TISA in Herbretpur (Dehradun), we conducted exit interviews with two participants. EI for us serve two purposes: Participants get another chance to ‘communicate under pressure’ and get the visual feedback. Facilitator gets the Chance to understand how much participants have understood and internalised.For […]

Courage, courage, courage…

This is mirror exercise- an attempt to know what happens when you talk, so that you can effectively change it.Here are some more outputs of the third communication workshop; Remember, courage is the only ingredient which can change you and secondly: we are changed not by what we KNOW, but by what we DO. It […]

Sunday at Herbertpur

Today Aayush 5 yr, came with his father. Very quiet. Reaction to his stammering by others has made him very reluctant to talk. Fortunately father realizes the seriousness of the issue. After 2-3 session I will be referring him to Vijay (Samagra) since his school is in Dehradun. Today, he spoke a few words and […]

Last day

Fifth Day (24th June 2010)- Students were intelligent and teacher was diligent- so we finished ten day course in five days 🙂 There were other pressures too. So, on the last and fifth day- we reviewed the goals set by the participants- for their subsequent growth as communicators and human beings: the things they will […]

3rd Communication WS: brief report so far

Here is a brief summary: Day 1: Following themes were explored and discussed: Cure- what do we mean by it? What does TISA approach means in practice: Accept stammering but not the poor communication- and how is it better than “cure”. What does it mean in practice? We watched & analyzed some videos in line […]