Accounts 2016-17
Total Receipt (Donations) from 16 Dec 2016 to 31 March 2017: Rs 171175.7
(from Vaastu Social Foundation: 159890.7 )
Expenses (16 Dec 2016 to 31 March 2017):
Office Rent (2 mo) | 6000 |
Website Translations | 18011.5 |
Travel | 19299 |
Communication | 2868 |
Miscell | 2604.5 |
Total | 48783 |
Balance: Rs 122393
We sincerely thank Vaastu Social Foundation for hep with fund raising.
Accounts Apr 2017- Oct 2017
Balance B/F : 122393
Total Receipt (Donations, Interest) from 1st April 2017 to 24th Oct 2017: Rs 3929/-
Total: Rs 126322/-
Expenses (Apr 2017 to 24 Oct 2017):
Communication | 14303.17 | |
Office rent | 24000 | For 8 months |
Travel | 24706 | |
Hindi Translation | 10000 | |
Website hosting etc. | 8982 | |
Miscellaneous | 3831 | |
Balance to Natco | 40500 | |
Total Expenses | 126322.2 |
Bank Account (PNB, Dehradun) closed on 24th Oct 2017
We sincerely thank all the donors including Vaastu Social Foundation .
Please Note
We will be sharing details of the Bank account in Goa soon. We are closing the one in Dehradun. If you wish to donate, please feel free to send an email to the National Coordinator (Harish).
(TISA participating in World Disability day in Vikasnagar in 2008 – link)
Self-Help Remains Free
While TISA will continue to offer its services for “free” as a sewa always, your donation – however small – will help us to reach out to a larger group of people. We want to do many more Communication workshops, more events to tell people and children who stammer, that they are not alone and a lot can be done on self-help basis etc.

An Association
TISA is an online self help association of people who stammer.
Volunteering Opportunities
If you can translate self help material in regional languages, or convert them in podcasts, please get in touch. If you are good at animation, you can produce animation stories (based on Seven stories, Izabella etc.). Let us know, if you have any such creative ideas after looking at resources.
You can also help us organise online events- hangouts, conference, mock interviews etc. You can also join MOOC as Teaching Facilitators (TF). You can provide us IT help in maintaining/ running/ taking back up etc. for our website and Telegram group etc. Feel free to write o info@stammer.in
You can also help by sharing other resources: your time and inspiration above all! By listening to any pws without judgement, by reading our posts and leaving encouraging comments; by sharing our posts on your FB page, by inviting us to your school / office to facilitate an open session on stammering and what can be done about it by society etc. There is no end to your creativity and the impact you can have on someone. Keep thinking and get in touch..

Testimonies from Our Volunteers
Naresh Parihar
Naresh Parihar is a community health officer and a person with stammering. He has been volunteering with TISA for some time. Here is what he thinks about this experience (Ed)
I began working with TISA in 2017. At this point, I was taking speech therapy sessions. At these sessions, I met a fellow pws who was himself associated with TISA. He encouraged me to join TISA. Having received help for my stammering, I knew how beneficial support and counselling can be. I wanted to help people with stammering the way I was once helped too. The prospect of being able to help improve the lives of other people with stammering and reducing the burden they feel from their stammering, even if it meant to sacrifice a bit of my free time, appealed tremendously to me. Hence, I promptly began volunteering with TISA. I am now a part of the hangout management team.
Working with TISA has been an enriching experience. It has helped me inculcate, in myself, qualities such as fidelity, responsibility, punctuality, compromisation and being able to clear peoples’ confusion and misconceptions. Moreover, by helping others through TISA, I feel motivated myself. Moreover, when giving advice and counselling, I am reminded of the principles that I can apply in my own life. Through all my voluntary activities with TISA, I have been able to utilize my free time in an immensely rewarding way. I am thankful to have come into contact with the association and am looking forward to the years to come.
Shivank Menon
Shivank Menon is a high school student and a person with stammering. He has recently begun volunteering with TISA. Here is what he thinks about this experience (Ed)
I have been working with TISA for about a month now. I am a person with stuttering but I have learnt to manage my stammering. At a point of time, stammering was a huge setback and prevented me from expressing myself freely especially on public platforms. But I was able to maintain a positive and determined attitude. Unfortunately, owing to immense social stigma, many people with stammering across the country lose their sense of self-confidence and worth. As a result, they are neither able to happily accept themselves nor take constructive steps to improve their communication. Thoughts of this nature occupied my mind and I felt a strong sense of duty to help people with stammering who did not have the same opportunities and privileges that I did. With this motive in mind, I performed a quick google search which led me to TISA. Going through the web page, I could clearly see the astounding quality of this organization and immediately contacted them. As a testament to their enthusiasm and dedication, I promptly received a response from them within barely a few hours. As such, I was welcomed with open arms. Up until now, I have worked on documenting the life of an inspiration pws, website maintenance and improvement, and I have begun helping out with event planning. I have learnt a great deal about stammering and self-growth as a whole. But of course, my journey with TISA has merely just begun!
Chanchal Khattar
Chanchal Khattar is a psychology student and a “normal” speaker! Sh hs been volunteering with TISA for sometime. Here is what she thinks about this experience (Ed)
I have been working with TISA as a volunteer for almost 4 months now. I was just searching organisations where I could volunteer and I came across this wonderful organisation TISA. As soon as I read about it I knew that I wanted to work with them so I contacted them. The people at TISA were very happy to work with me and to assist me with the work. I work as a host and coordinate the online video conferences (hangouts), wherein I try to provide opportunities to speak, to everyone present; and also appreciate and encourage them to keep taking steps in the journey of accepting themselves and working on themselves. Even after being a non-pws I learnt a lot in the process of volunteering. I learnt that acceptance of oneself is the key to success. This experience has also helped me in building communication skills and understanding others. I am very grateful to TISA to give me an opportunity to be a part of it.
Shaik Abdul Feroz
Feroz is a network engineer and pws. He has been working with TISA for some time. Here is what he thinks about his experience(Ed):
I first heard about TISA through a newspaper article. Being a pws myself, the idea of such an association appealed to me greatly. Thus, in 2016 I joined TISA. Through TISA, I was able to meet many people just like me, who experienced the challenges as I did. Through simply listening to them, I understood the importance of accepting myself for who I am and as a result, leading a normal and meaningful life. Speaking to them, my views on life changed completely. My principles and those of TISA were alike, so I decided to work with them. As part of the National Hangout Management Team, I have been able to learn countless lessons while also supporting other TISA members. My experience with TISA has certainly been wonderful.