Time :: 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Participants :: Abhishek Jha, Anupinder Singh
As Abhishek comes to first time in any SHG of TISA. So we start from scratch:
- what are problem you face, due to stammering?
- what kind of life, you will have in absence of stammering?
- Is stammering is Main Culprit?
- Stammering logic? Factor Affects?
- Know Problem Precisely and way-outs.
- Best Approach to handle Stammering and Avoid Relapse.
- We talked to Individuals, Families, Groups.
- We avoid conversations, skip interviews and situations due to shame and fear associated with stammering.
- fear, shame, time-pressure increase difficulties.
- We needs to boost up Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem also.
- We have to handle Fear and Shame to control Stammering.
- Speaking voluntarily to hard group (strangers, Boss, females,etc ) and easy group (family, friends, neighbors,etc ) will help us to manage emotions (fear, shame, guilt) and boost self-confidence and self-esteem.
- We always worry about other peoples and their personal space. Like..what will he think, what will he feel, why i disturb him, Girl are present there, i will waste his time, he had a lot of work to do, etc
We both spend Quality time there.
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