ISAD | International Stuttering Awareness day

What is ISAD ?

ISAD stands for International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) and was designated in 1998.[1] The day is intended to raise public awareness of the millions of people because one percent of the world’s population are PWS ( person who stammer or stutter ).

Stammering associations, individuals and groups around the world organise events to mark the day and to raise awareness of stuttering.

What to do on this day ?

Talking about stammering is how we can all improve the lives of people who stammer.

International Stammering Awareness Day is a great opportunity to talk to the general public about stammering. Only by talking openly about stammering will we gradually remove the stigma and misunderstanding surrounding it. And there’s an additional benefit to us as well – talking about it is therapeutic in its own right!


Real life example to do something on this day  :

  1. You can wear a wrist band which have a lines “I stutter so what ?” or “I stammer and I am ok” and when people ask you what is thins then you can tell them about stuttering and ISAD day.
  2. If you have a small courage, you can plan to visit school and give them a pamphlet or sheet which has a content about stammering or you can distribute it to local libraries.
  3. You can tell to your relative and friends and even you can advertise your stammering too because its an opportunity.
  4. If you are working, you can stick a page near your desk which “says if you stammer you are not alone” like this and when someone ask feel free to explain what it is.
  5. You can wear a t-shirt which have quote something related to stammering and go for a walk and aware people.
  6. If you are a student, tell to your teacher before that Madam, I want to introduce myself to everyone because today is ISAD day and then you can introduce yourself and share your feeling being a person who stammer and after that you will feel very happy.
  7. If you aware people, don’t forgot to share few important points.