On 23.07.2010 at 3.45 pm I broke the ice and delivered my first speech at Toastmaster
club Chandigarh. I am grateful to Dr. Sachin and Mr. Manohar from Pune for giving me
strength & courage to disclose before audience that I am a stutterer, which otherwise I
would not have disclosed. I started with the following words:
“ Hi, I am jasbir a young man in 50s trying to improve my speech, which has been giving
me slips since childhood because of stuttering.”
The moment I spoke the above lines I felt so relieved and my entire presentation of 6-7
minutes went on with full confidence without a single block. I am also thankful to Mr.
Paramjeet Singh a PWS from Chandigarh who on my request kindly spared time to attend
the Toastmaster meet as a guest and see my presentation.
I further felt elevated when the evaluator gave comment that he liked my honesty and
suggested only to slow down the speed a bit in future projects.
I am preparing for my second project.
Friends nothing happens unless first you dream and keep telling yourself:
“I can do this”.
“I have done it many times before and its not a big deal.”
Jasbir sandhu, Chandigarh.
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