To All participants of Comm WS..

Just had a phone call from a participant, which went something like this:
“After return, I went to college; I was able to bounce with friends, even with professor. Then, I came today to coaching- and found that I was not able to bounce at all..”
“Did I not tell you- first play in the street corner cricket, then play at block and district level matches, then, finally state and national level – and only THEN, try and play world series? Dont race through all the stages in just one week.. Please bounce- or use any technique- for next 3 months only with your friends..and go to the next stage of challenge only after you become proficient..”

Dear Participants- please read AHJ and talk to old timers- and follow the suggested long schedule seriously. Dont try to race through the whole process over a week-end. You will get discouraged and you may even give up the whole journey. It is important that you succeed! For that, it is important that you give yourself PLENTY of time.Keep trying – but wisely. Keep discussing these things among yourself.

Post Author: Sachin

2 thoughts on “To All participants of Comm WS..


    (August 25, 2014 - 4:39 pm)

    Sir,I think this is where acceptance could play a role.Accept as you are!
    I accept my stammer,and this is alright..


    (August 26, 2014 - 3:49 am)

    Yes, that is a good approach. And people should practise it. No doubt!
    But when we learn a new skill (like driving or computing) systematic learning is important. Otherwise, what could have taken 2 months may take two decades..and you may still not be sure..

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