TISA is starting a New National Telegram Channel. Which provide every PWS a common platform where they will get all information regarding TISA New events and get the mentors from every SHG.
If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.
– Gail Sheehy
Why we are shifting from Whats App to Telegram ?
- From past few years we are facing problem of spam messages by group members which divert everyone from main topic.
- limit of maximum members in a Whats App group is limited i.e. 256 members. And in case we have to pass any important information regarding any important event or any hangout meeting we have to pass it to at least 10 -15 TISA groups.
- There are reports in which Admin of Whats App groups need to face problems due to content shared by its members. As Whats App Forwards can be hateful and Admins don’t have any control over them.
- To provide our members a better experience which they might don’t get because they are in different groups where they are unable to get proper guidence & Due to so many groups Admins too get exauted.
Why Telegram?
- Limit of members can join a Telegram group – 200,000
- Facility to make a New Telegram Channel for telling about any hangouts meet or latest events
- We can restrict and control the messages , Media , Links and other thinks send by members
- A Telegram Bot which can help in managing groups.