Slash and Burn is another name for Jhum cultivation which is prevalent in some countries. Trees are burned and cleared- cropping is done for some years. When the ground fertility is gone, a new patch is cleared- and the cycle goes on. This is what was happening at the edge of an ancient forest. One […]

Martindale Village


This Yamuna valley where I live, roughly stretches a hundred kilometers, between Paonta Sahib and Dehradun, in the Shivaliks. Here, Tons River joins Yamuna, as they both come tumbling out of the mountains, into the Terai. From Pathans, to Mughals, to Maratha, and finally to British – they all came, ruled this region and eventually […]


TISA Bangalore Shg meeting: 10/09/23. Note: The following is the report from the self-help meeting in Bangalore on  10th September. The report is from Vinayak, one of the participants. These self-help meetings happened across India- Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, etc. More information can be found on the TISA website. The joining details are at the end. Participants: Labani, […]

The Girl In Green Gown (Part-2)

This blog is a continuation of my previous blog, Kindly go through it before continuing – I could’nt stop thinking about that girl, her face was always in my mind. Even when I closed my eyes, I could see her laughing, nodding in agreement, and carefully ear locking her hair looking at me as […]

TISA Membership

(A humorous piece on TISA) TISA membership is entirely free. You can join and leave anytime. In fact, you can join it just before your campus interview and leave it five minutes later. In the US Visa interview, you can leave our membership midway, soon after the introduction rounds are safely over. TISA is another […]


Solitude (A short story) The old man was again in the church today at his regular time. He quietly comes in and sits in one of the pews at the back. This is not the usual time to visit though. One day, I asked him: Why don’t you attend the morning service? The afternoon is […]

Stammering triggers poems!

Fluency of broken words ~ Manpreet Kaur Everyone is equal, And should be treated fairly”. Wish it was more than ‘euphonious’. I have capabilities yet not one, Stammering makes a label, “A red flag”! Why can’t communication be overlooked, When a person is intellectually creative. Those unspoken internal conflicts Conscious of their gait, Yet inaudible […]

When Time Stood Still

Markanda Shiv Temple is situated along the banks of the Wainganga river in Charmorshi tehsil of Gadchiroli in Maharashtra. There is no solid evidence that who build this temple, but according to recent evidence collected by the Archeological Survey of India they believe that the temple was built in the 8 Century or earlier by […]

It Happened To Me

One evening I had the novel, Shiman Yogi, in my hands, and I had completed that novel but I was still in the trance of the novel. Shriman Yogi is the biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, one of the most secular kings born in India.  No one can ever feel what Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and […]

Stories from my locality

Many years ago I was staying in Yogiraj society in Nagpur, it was 2 BHK flat. While standing on the entrance gate of Yogiraj society, you could see the entire society. There was a cemented straight path from the main gate, the path was wide enough so that five to six SUV’s could easily pass […]

Tell me about Shubhra!

The other day I saw Kumar in the market. He was running after a woman. Dont laugh please! This is not what you think. I know both of them and they are in their sixties. Kumar retired from LIC some years ago. And the woman in question was Purabi. Both their families had known each […]

My Life, My Ambitions

It was once again the same day at the hostel, I got up at 7 pm and went straight to the common washroom. As always I had to wait for my chance to brush my teeth. The washbasin was at the centre of the bathroom, it had just 4 sinks, a long rectangular mirror in […]

My Story, My Ambition

When I was a child, my biggest ambition was to “lecture” in a hall, full of people! With gathering years, I discovered that I was free to dream of bigger things than that. But at the age of four, it was a challenge to control my face and put two words together! Then, there were […]

The Bus Stand

(A short story) One day I was walking down this lane, lined by trees and broad side walks. I saw a child sitting on a stone bench, near a bus stand. He was waiting for his father. His father used to stop the bus and hand the child in, to the conductor- almost like a […]

Teacher’s day

For me and for most of stammerers I think finding a teacher who understands us is difficult task. I remember my account teacher, whenever she used to call my roll number. I always took some time to respond due to stammering and thinking ” should I say Present or Yes “, saying present was always […]

Another Diversity…

Left is Right! By Amit Singh Kushwaha “Yes, I am left-handed!”. My unconscious mind prefers to do any work with the left hand. Sometimes, people wonder when I write or sign with my left hand. I recall in my childhood; grandmother taught me to eat with the right hand. At that time, I realized, there […]