New beginning at AMU!

Aligarh Muslim University is an old academic (and social) institution, founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1875, as “a bridge between the old and the new, the East and the West.”.. So, when Mr Sikandar Alam, a BE student from AMU, decided to start a self help group for people who stammer, in AMU, […]

please help..

Friends, Prakash Annparthy has sent a sos. He needs help finding a job. His qualifications seem impressive- completed M.C.A and have good knowledge in Oracle DBA, Oracle APPS DBA, SAS, SAS Macros.. Please contact him and advise or help, whichever way you can. It will be much appreciated by all pf us… His ID – […]

A matter of life and death…?

Hi All,            My name is Anupam Saxena and i am from Lucknow. I am Twenty-six years of age and i have been stammering since i rememeber myself. It is a problem or peculiar situation with which i have romanced enough. I can call it my better-half. I remember some inicidents […]

Dil Se..

(Truth has a power of its own; a way of its own. It can go straight to our hearts- and solve deep problems in the twinkling of a moment. Following testimony has done the same for many of us and therefore, we are sharing it again. It was published in Samwad in the beginning of […]

Follow Animesh..

Here is a review by Abhinav, of Animehs’s play: “.. I went for the play today. Awesome play and great performance by every one. Animesh performed really well .. just one word marvellous It was result of hard work from past 30-45 days by Animesh and his group members. Performing for 2 hours and remembering big […]

For mindful people..

Here is a great resource for people who want to explore mindfulness/ meditative techniques and their role in life, communication, speech etc. Those of you who have actually practised vipassana or other forms of meditation, are encouraged to write for thsi blog: Essentially the idea is: most of our problems, including stammering, takes place […]

Acting liberates you..

Hi 🙂 I hope this mail finds you in good health and good spirits. I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I am acting in a play called ‘I Had A Dream’. It’s a full length English play, written and directed by Saarthak Productions. The play is definitely one that […]

To All participants of Comm WS..

Just had a phone call from a participant, which went something like this: “After return, I went to college; I was able to bounce with friends, even with professor. Then, I came today to coaching- and found that I was not able to bounce at all..” “Did I not tell you- first play in the […]

Com WS Aug 2014

Post script: इस वर्कशाप की सबसे अच्छी यादों मे से एक है – शनिवार की रात, खाना खाने के बाद सबको स्वीट शोप पर ले गये ऒर बोल दिया जिसको जो भी मिठाई खानी है ले ले, payment common fund मे से हो जायेगा, क्योकि पैसा बचा हुआ है । ऒर फिर सबने मिलकर एक […]

It works…

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; widows: 2; orphans: 2; } Yes, its working and i experienced it. I have great fear of saying two words, ‘haldwani’- city where i live and ‘electronics and communication’- my engineering branch (although it has an abbreviation ECE but i don’t want to use it). […]

Why should you meet other pws?

Some people have asked: will NC be like Communication workshop? Not necessary. It depends on what the participants want. Some participants who have never attended a communication workshop, may want to get a glimpse of that. For them, as a group, we will conduct some of the activities which we do in Communication workshop. What […]

An Opportunity..

Those who were part of previous NCs can bet that those were the best days of their life – breaking away from the illusionary shackles of stammering and living a life of freedom. TISA, this year too, brings one such opportunity – NC2014 – Opportunity to take a Leap, to learn from the veterans and to feel the “independence” like […]

Common sense, belief, evidence, research..

I came across a sutra in a data analysis course: Correlation is not causation! Meaning: if X and Y variable change in the same way over a period of time, it does not prove that X causes Y (or Y causes X). It is quite possible that there is another hidden factor (Z) causing the […]

What is our birth right?

JP has shared this quote from FB; worth a deep thought..(thanks JP!) “As human beings, not only do we seek resolution, but we also feel that we deserve resolution. However, not only do we not deserve resolution, we suffer from resolution. We don’t deserve resolution; we deserve something better than that. We deserve our birthright, […]


Friends, I received following note from Sergey, Banglore. In the confusion of many many techniques being thrown at us- with all good intentions, it is quite easy to forget- that most of our problem is inside us and therefore solutions could also exist within. While reading following account, please dont think that the author or TISA […]

tighten ur seatbelts

x-x-x- *Title : Delhi SHG Meetup on 20th July at Central Park, Rajiv Chowk Agenda:- # Meditation — 5 Min. # Welcoming Words # Short Introduction # Anxiety Control Round: Crazy Questions — 5 Min # Narration of Techniques for Newcomers # Stuttering Experiences (using techniques) # Table Topics — 2 Min. for every person […]

Hello! I st-st-stutter..

Friends, while many of us in India, are still battling with what acceptance, why acceptance, Americans have marched ahead, it seems! SLPs there, are accepting that relapse is common and only to be expected and pws are writing blogs about their life long romance with stuttering! Here is such an honest blog from a young […]

Effective communication

Many years ago, I thought- when my stammering goes away, I will speak very well and the world will listen with rapt attention..!! Later, when I joined voluntary sector, I realised that even those who spoke fine, had to work hard to become good communicators.. and becoming effective communicator was a class apart. I read […]

What Megan did..

Thanks Vishal, for introducing all of us to this great story. Might seem like a bit of repetition, but I was browsing this longer artcile and found following passages VERRRY meaningful.. “I used to try and be all the things that I want to be whilst suppressing it or trying to disguise it. But now […]

Buddha’s Middle path

p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 120%; }p.western { font-family: “Liberation Serif”,”Times New Roman”,serif; font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-family: “Droid Sans Fallback”; font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-family: “FreeSans”; font-size: 12pt; }a:link { } There is a very significant event in Buddha’s life, while he was searching for Truth. It is- […]