Bangalore SHG Meeting:March 20th, 2016

It was yet another sunny Sunday morning at Cubbon Park…
Dinesh Sir as usual arrived well before 10 a.m, was waiting for everyone to
join. In the mean time until our delegates arrived the early birds gathered
close to the small hut over the damp grass and had a reading session of the
book “The Power Of Now”-Eckhart Tolle.
The introduction round rolled out next. Dinesh, Sairam, Pramod, Bharath, Manoj, Mohit, Mansi, Prathiba, Me(Janani), along with the first timers Sunny,Janardhan and Nandu
joined in for the meet.
Up next we shared our views on ‘How stuttering has taken a
toll on our lives and the various techniques we use to get through the relapse
phase’. The newbie’s had a lot to share about their stuttering and their expectations from the SHG. Also we had contradictory
opinions on how to overcome relapse.. Some people preferred psychological methods
like self acceptance and spiritual techniques, while few others preferred physical
activities like exercising and breathing techniques. Both the methods are
equally special in their own way and it depends on how a person takes it.
The group somehow felt that the activities conducted in the
past few months were monotonous and hence everyone were asked to propose their
ideas for a structured agenda for the next SHG meet.
It was decided that every week a new person takes the responsibility of
coordinating the meet. A list of activities was prepared for the next SHG meet.
It was more like corporatizing the SHG meet, where it was decided that everyone
has to take part in all the activities proposed.. be it prepared speech, GD,
extempore, skit.., and everyone will be evaluated based on their performance..
It is quite a tedious task for anyone to wake up on a Sunday
morning and make it to the SHG, but at the end of the day I feel that the day is worth spent. I have been a part of TISA SHG Bangalore for a month now and
I’ve learnt that it’s not just fluency in your speech that matters, it is self
acceptance of being a PWS that matters the most. I used to stutter, I stutter
and I will continue to do so.. but I have learnt to accept and respect myself
for who I am. Once you have accepted yourself for who you are..there is nothing
in this world that can stop you from achieving wonders.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

3 thoughts on “Bangalore SHG Meeting:March 20th, 2016


    (March 21, 2016 - 4:19 pm)

    Nice report …


    (March 21, 2016 - 4:25 pm)

    This is like hitting a Sixer in first ball of your first match! Last meeting was unusual and complex. Kudos to you, you captured the essence beautifully!! Sometimes a "Wow" does not suffice!! Well done Janani!!

    Sunny Patel

    (March 21, 2016 - 5:03 pm)

    Well done!

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