“Boond Boond se Banta hai Samunder – littlle little drops of water can form a mighty ocean”
United we stand, divided we fall
Dear all,
Let us build the database of all PWS in India. Are you game for it?
This will make easier for the pws to connect to fellow pws.
By making use of this “Database” you may find enough people in your city to start an self help group meeting.
How many times did we wish to find PWS in our city: to talk to them, to meet them, to share our feeling with someone who will understand – THIS IS THE BEST THERAPAPY.
To add yourself in to the database, please do as follows.
Step1: Go to IndianPWS homepage – http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/IndianPWS/
(If you are not already a Member then please join)
Step2: Click on “Database” menu present on the left side
Sep 3: Click on “Members Database”
Step4: Click on “Add Record”
Step5: Enter the details asked.
There are only 33 members in the Database while there are 700+ members in the group. Lets exploit the technology to its fullest.
Please add yourself to the “Database”
Do not start anything with doubt, just go all out! 🙂
Warm Regards
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