NC day 3

A little sadness hung heavy over the hills and vales. Hundred strangers who had become friends were about to part…
Pushing such thoughts back we started the day. Some went for a morning walk, some did yoga and some had fun in the pool. Small group discussions were going on full steam all over the place. Small group activities, open mike session continued. Some discussion and practice of core techniques.
Then, concluding session. All the five facilitators, Sergei, Viren Gandhi, non pws parents and friends were given a huge thanks for supporting us thru our effort. All participants were given a certificate, a gift, samwad and AHJ. Dhruv sang – aati kya khandala.. Kushal sang a Bangla song. He was quite impressed by the train ride on the day before.
Harish announced the poll results-
Best Shg- Delhi.
Best volunteer of the year – Dhruv.
Best blogger – Vishal Gupta. Best act of courage – Sikandar of Aligarh.
People were exchanging ids and phone numbers.
More last minute discussions. Next NC? Where?
Some of us returned to Pune – some to Mumbai, some other destinations. Lost in our own thoughts. Will we be able to stand up to the world which wants us to conform, on return?

Post Author: Sachin

2 thoughts on “NC day 3


    (October 6, 2014 - 11:38 am)

    Its my pleasure to be in national conference in Khadala.
    Thanks Sachin Sir


    (October 11, 2014 - 12:43 pm)

    I missed this NC 🙁

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