Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam.! ( I found my self in “SUDHI” )

The movie was awesome… touched my soul..!!!

I found my self in SUDHI (actor). The problem which faced by sudhi that i used to face in real life…….like….  asking for TICKET (its seems that i m going for a war ๐Ÿ˜€ :D..hahaha)
                        while negotiating with people who can judge me (specially girl….:-p)
                        while giving attendance in class room and bla bla bla bla        (oohhhhmyyyygooood……in school time my friend used to give my attendance behalf of me)

Acceptance and bouncing technique was there and it really help sudhi to come out from fear and hesitation.

Now i am looking for kalyani (hahahaha :-p)…..such a nice lady who hooked up with sudhi and help him to overcome his stammering.
if any kalyani will ask me to marry….i will immediately say “yes”…..hahahahahah….!!!
many many thanks to director and cast to create such a fabulous and Inspirational movie.

 One step Towards ACCEPTANCE…..!!!         

I really inspired from that movie. I put TISA LOGO (haklao magar pyarse) as my whatsapp dp….!!!! I felt good. Three person asked me about TISA and i answered for the same.

keep smiling….keep talking

Thank you…!!
Bhandava Narendra
+91 9820795041

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

3 thoughts on “Su Su Sudhi Vathmeekam.! ( I found my self in “SUDHI” )


    (February 22, 2016 - 10:25 am)



    (February 22, 2016 - 5:49 pm)

    Yess, that is what CREATIVITY is all about..

    Dhruv Gupta

    (February 22, 2016 - 6:13 pm)

    dum laga ke haisha!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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