It is ON!

Of course our NC- But I am talking about ISAD online conference:
Click on fourth tab “Papers Presented by…”.
Drop down menu gives the categories. All are worth exploring. Check out what is happening around the world!!
I was able to browse just one paper and I found it very interesting: “Acceptance and the rise of Pride”  (it is under “Perceptions and Interpretations”)…

Mind you- in order to leave comments, you have to register with the site- which is simple enough. You can also log in using your gmail or FB login. Coments obviously will have to be moderated, so check back after some hours, for your comment and a reply from the author, if it is called for.
For years, it was organized by Judith Kuster- quite famous for her “Home Page” – a treasure trove of good information on stammering. This year, ISA has taken up the big responsibility and Bruce, Keith and the team has done a great job. By the way, yours truly, also has submitted a paper, discussing our Indian experience with self-help!
Better attitudes through knowledge!
PS: Oh, dont forget to check this one out- the poems at the end; I am sure you will decide to bring out all your hidden diaries and start posting your own poems..

Post Author: Sachin