New beginning at AMU!

Aligarh Muslim University is an old academic (and social) institution, founded by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1875, as “a bridge between the old and the new, the East and the West.”..
So, when Mr Sikandar Alam, a BE student from AMU, decided to start a self help group for people who stammer, in AMU, we were naturally thrilled! Sikandar, inspired by our last communication workshop, contacted the provost (=pro-vice chancellor), who encouraged him and offered very practical help in setting it up. Delhi SHG jumped in to help and organize a meeting on 7th September, 10 am at Common Room, R.M. Hall at AMU (thank you, Vishal and all the Delhi members!). If you are around and wish to join, get in touch with Sikandar, who is the Coordinator for this TISA-AMU self help group: mob-8266917354,  sikandar.131 at gmail dot com.
Let us remind ourselves two salient facts of life: No therapy will work till stammerer has made up his/her mind to change. Once the mind is made up- he needs no “therapy”! Day to day activities become an opportunity to challenge ourselves and step out of the old mindset of fear, shame, guilt. Just living life through a new mindset becomes a therapy.
Many sincere thanks to AMU admin and students! Congrats Sikandar!
Happy Journey to all of us!

Here is the report of the event.

Post Author: Sachin

3 thoughts on “New beginning at AMU!


    (September 4, 2014 - 5:03 am)

    Congratulations Mr. Sikandar for taking the Lead. Please remember Stammering should just be a part of our life and not the heart of life. When we start focussing on those things that we love to do, it is sure Stammering will take a back seat and will never bother us.
    All the best for taking the right step.
    Keep sharing the experiences.


    (September 7, 2014 - 11:25 am)

    Just heard from Vishal. Everything had gone extremely well. Congrats Sikandar! People like you prove that self help really works -and works very well!


    (September 8, 2014 - 5:22 am)

    Congratulations for successfully organising the event.
    Please post the details.

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