My journey 7

Hello friends Good morning and happy sunday…..

Sunday is the time to rethink about our life and replan it for the betterment of our future. It is holiday for almost all class of people whether IT sector , self employed , student etc. So should we spent some time rethinking our plans and goals ??

Yesterday I read a post on whatsapp group. Author said , “either jump this side or that side but don’t be a cat on the wall.” Really great insight . In our life , we just spend our days think about our goals and problems but we hardly do intense work to achieve that goal or solve that problem.  Take example of me – in past , i was just a day dreamer . I was thinking that someday i will become a great communicator . But as time passed , it showed me reality that if you are not doing the things which you have to do to achieve a certain goal , you will never achieve that goal. So right now , under that guidance of sachin sir and with the help of TISA people , i am doing work to become a great communicator to fulfill my dream to serve my fellow human beings . But today what i analysed that i am doing work but  i am not doing so much work in order to become a great communicator. Here acceptance works . I have to accept that i am not upto the mark. so it is time to shift the level of work to a higher order.  When you accept something i.e your fault , then only you can make progress or cure your fault.

What i am doing right now to improve my communication skills – making phone calls to tisa members or my friends or relatives frequently . it is boosting my confidence day by day. Accepting my self in order to improve . Reading good books and doing some physical exercise , waking up early and sleeping early , taking good food inside my body ( but i eat MacD burger on sunday as a reward …hahaha)

What i am planning to do – recording my video and reviewing it , i am recording my phone calls but not listening it regularly – so from now , i will listen it more frequently , changing my lifestyle as given above i.e. installing good habits , writing down positive phrases about my speech , writing down my thoughts , meditation more regularly.

Actually why i am doing this ?? Not because , later on at some point of time , i will able to speak better …. but because , right now i am enjoying all these activities…it keeps me happy in my day to day life …..

Thanks to all for reading this post and supporting me in my life…….stay peaceful and live long…..See you at next post…..

One thing , i just remembered that be flexible in your activities … don’t just copy paste others….don’t follow blindly a path in your life…. try on yourself if it suits you , embrace it otherwise it is just a piece of rubbish advice for you…

Post Author: Raman Maan

I'm fear killer

1 thought on “My journey 7


    (February 6, 2017 - 6:45 pm)

    MacD burger on sunday? Stammering God will be very angry with you! ha ha ha..

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