Delhi SHG meeting..

We were four friend attending meeting Anand Neo,
Sauvit Sing, Amit Dixshit and me Sikandar. Amit host
the meeting. The aim of meeting was give chance to
every participant to host any one activity to develop the
leadership that is helpful in reducing stammering. First
activity was hosted by Amit, that given the chance to
everybody to give suggestion about what is need or not in
shg meeting. There are some points…

1 Practice of technique more and more in shg
2 give chance to each person to host the meeting
3 continuity of holding the meeting
4 people comes in meeting with some task to perform
Second activity was performed by me, that is tell about
our bad experience and problems that face day by day to
reduce emotional attachment of fear.
Third activity is hosted by Anand Neo, that is reading book
with bouncing technique each participant because aim of
shg, member can practice technique firstly in shg.
Sauvit did forth activity; tell a story each person to
develop our communication skill
In last time of meeting Amit took feedback and comes at
the point that hosting meeting is important to develop
confidence, leadership and also helpful to reduce
So finally, we enjoyed much
Thanks to Amit jii and all participant…
(Report from Sikandar Alam)

Post Author: Sachin

4 thoughts on “Delhi SHG meeting..

    parul markam

    (December 24, 2013 - 4:55 pm)

    can tisa organise meeting in small states also as i suffer frm stammering but i cant go to other states


    (December 24, 2013 - 6:11 pm)

    It was great to see that after hosting one activity Sikander ji and Anand ji looked so confident.We PWS has a tendency of hesitation to intervene someone in a group discussion or debate.It increases our anxiety level which increase of stammering as a result.We learnt in this meeting how to intervene someone or how to drag attention of the people politely. As Sachin sir suggested that Hosting an activity should not be a compulsion as it may threaten newcomers who want to attend SHG meeting first time or who are not very comfortable with.members are less so every one get enough time to put his views.Overall it was a nice meeting.

    Vishal Gupta

    (December 25, 2013 - 4:17 am)

    wow Great Job 🙂 New Creativity but I liked very much so all the best Delhi SHG members again rock !!!! Hope to see you all in the next meeting with this new approach of Amit Dixt bro

    (Vishal Gupta)


    (December 30, 2013 - 6:17 am)

    Hi Frnds,

    Unfortunately on last Sunday (29/12/2013) missed meeting. Hope in next meeting i will be there…….

    Really we start new things on first meeting that is held on 22 Dec 2013 in Sec-40, Noida and hope it will be continue….

    And Sikander Alam I'm "Anand Singh" not Anand Neo….

    So in future please careful it will not happened…

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