TISA in News Paper – More Awareness

Two weeks back when we were having TISA Weekend SHG meeting we were interviewed by 3 local news papers’ reporters. One news paper has already published about TISA.
Please click below link for news paper link.
Unfortunately they missed some main points in this article like stating about our TISA head quarters and TISA initiation but they mentioned about TISA blog address and a contact number which shall serve the needy.
With this many people in Hyderabad might have come to know about TISA.
We were contacted by almost 30 people as of now. I wish we shall be reaching to many more very soon.
I guess we shall contact some National News Paper which could publish about TISA and its help to PWS and spread more awareness.
So dear friends please start getting contacts of reporters and spread the awareness with their help.

Rajesh V
96 76 82 0007

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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