In first round we introduced ourself with having distance of 6 mtr because standing away and speak, is some challenging task for me. We made very firm planning of using this and this techniques. In which I chose block correction techniques and sanjay ji chose bouncing tech.
Then we found an strangers who were walking in garden we approached them an asked many different questions and talked there more than 15 minutes.
Then, we approached person who is riding bike parallel to us we asked them about sites. Then we went in another famous, flowers decorated garden where we approached couples, daters, and some other guys there we talked on many things. There we found a people who is extreme God believer he asked us that we want to pray to God for your cure from stammering then he held my hand and started reciting some lines like ‘hey bhgwan tum ati sundar, sarv premi, sarv anugrahi .. .etc, although we know there is no magical cure nor i believe on this but for their pleasure i stood with. ‘altogether we enjoyed there. Next we went to bus stand and had inquiries to bus drivers, ticket counters, auto chalak, and we have also stopped some buses and asked about different places.
Then we went to ‘gomabai netralay’ this is charitable hospital especially for eyes, we entered in the hospital and made queries about eye donations and else more.
We completed all activities with full commitment. Then, we ended the session with having sugarcane lemon juices.
Throughout the all activities we kept on practicing techniques and enjoying.
warm regards
Mandsaur SHG (MP)
1 thought on “Tisa Mandsaur SHG”
(March 29, 2021 - 1:48 pm)Whatever you did during the SHG meet requires a lot of courage, it really encouraged me. Will try it at our Nagpur SHG once the covid situation is under control.