TISA App is available in android, Don’t wait – download it.

We are now launching the beta version of TISA android application

How to download ?

Step 1.  Fill this form for the information http://goo.gl/forms/5fAhrI4Nwm

Step 2.  Open this link in your mobile phone and download it  http://bit.ly/1TW9k5K

Step 3.  As its beta version, we are looking for the feedback also so feel free to give your effective and worthy feedback on comment.

Post Author: Vishal Gupta

4 thoughts on “TISA App is available in android, Don’t wait – download it.


    (March 20, 2016 - 4:59 am)

    Congratulations, Vishal and your team..
    At last! we have an app too!


    (March 20, 2016 - 2:59 pm)

    Trying to install it- I noticed that among the permissions that it asks for, there is this permission to access your passwords too..That could be troublesome for some of us.. Does it really need that? Just wondering aloud..

    Vishal Gupta

    (March 21, 2016 - 3:07 am)

    It just wont need any password even it will not access your system password don't worry about that but let me check once again

    Vishal Gupta

    (March 21, 2016 - 3:07 am)

    It just wont need any password even it will not access your system password don't worry about that but let me check once again

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