Pune gets cracking! Wow!

Pune SHG met for the first time on March 22, 2009 at Sambhaji Park. Pravin, Prasad, Sanjeet, Rupesh and Jai attended the meeting. We started with slow reading with pauses after every sentence (so that we get our breathing normal and in rythm ) and then with introductions. While introducing oneself, everyone was also required to introduce the person who gave his introduction just before him. This was done making sure that we listen to others introduction J as generally a PWS starts thinking about the words which he will be using to speak. But now he can’t do that as he should listen carefullyJ. We also discussed what speech therapy techniques everyone have tried. We also discussed Yoga, Pranayam, Art of Living and Toastmasters club and how they can help us. We also agreed to share any information related to stammering, available on internet or anywhere else which we think is useful. It was also decided that, we will be meeting every weekend & agenda of the meeting would be sent to the participants beforehand. All in all a very interesting , fruitful and fun filled interaction.


(Next time, we will try to put up a picture too)

Post Author: Sachin