The Journal of Stuttering Therapy, Advocacy and Research- is an online journal. It offers recent advances in our understanding of Stammering and what can be done about it. One of its recent issues has an interesting article on role of essays in therapy by Dale F. Williams, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. Here is the abstract:
Using essays in speech therapy is an effective way to help clients explore, discuss, and manage stuttering. While essays are useful, they are not always easy to locate and integrate into therapy plans. This paper directs the reader to essays that address five major focal points of speech therapy for people who stutter: It’s OK to feel bad about stuttering, it’s OK to feel better about it too, it’s OK to speak (and to stutter), it’s OK to modify your speech, and it’s OK–no, it’s a must–to go elsewhere with new skills. As each point is discussed, the reader is directed to essays that will facilitate discussing the idea during treatment.
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