Light in the darkest of tunnels

Before I begin, let’s all congratulate Harish and the rest of TISA core team members for organising such a wonderful first Stammering Awareness Week [SAW]. Stammering is something that has been painted as a much bigger issue then it has to be because of the social stigma and people just not knowing enough about it. […]

Person who Stammers… but why!!!?

A few days ago, a strange thought struck me like a bucket of cold water on an even colder day! Why do we – at TISA – call ourselves PwS, instead of the normal Stammerer, Stutterer etc. I mean PwS doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, neither does it’s big brother, Person who Stammers. I’m […]

Herbertpur, 27th Feb, 2 pm..

Friends, we are having a mega SHG meet in HERBERTPUR, on27th Feb, Sunday.2 pm – 4 pm. Niraj from Meerut and Kshitiz from Dehradun will be joining with friends. If youare close by, do drop in for 2 hour fun and discussion. We will be doing groupreview of the first TISA documentary followed by open […]