The day was thursday, I was in 10th standard, the joy of finishing up my half yearly examination was mesmerizing. I was wearing a wrong uniform because my grandmom was not able to wash my dull green skirt. I was already punished wherein i did what they call now as “squats” but with […]
Author: lashdinesh
The child within us is Dead.
Breaking News!! – The child within us is Dead. We no more laugh wholeheartedly.. We no more chase butterflies.. We no more enjoy the beauty of life.. Life has become a burden.. We are born to experience this wonderful creation and not to work all our lives like slaves.. There is a miracle unfolding every […]
Meeting the Angels..
On Jan17th, we set out to meet the Little Angels at the Ruva Foundation – A comfort home for kids.. Here is how the story unfolded.. Lost for words.. We met at Cubbon at 9am and started our Journey towards Ruva Foundation Swarnalatha, Mansi and Pratibha did minute to minute planning! Girls lead from […]
Breaking the myths..
Are we living with some Myths? are they really true? Hold on to the questions the answers are due! The last meeting of year 2015 took place in the picturesque cubbon-park. The morning mist, the cacophony of birds and the fresh air devoid of any traffic pollution sets the stage for an very exciting Sunday Morning. The […]
The Venom-less Snake!!
From past 10 days, its been raining cats and dogs every evening in Bangalore and when it did not rain yesterday, I was bit concerned. Is the rain due for Sunday Morning instead? Luckily it did not happen, we had a clear, pleasant sky on Sunday Morning – Perfect start for the Big Day! About […]
Number-1 Speech Therapy for Stammering!!!
Mera naam Dinesh Singh, Umar 32, Gaun – Bangalore! Like any “normal” PWS, most part of my life I searched for the number 1 speech therapy which will dissolve all my pains and solve all my problems. Again like any “normal” PWS, the whole and sole purpose of my life has been to unlock the […]
Kya hua agar me hakla hu..
आज फिर ज़िंदगी जीतने निकला हु, क्या हुअ अगर में हकला हु. आवाज़ मेरी कमज़ोर सही , इरादे मेरे फौलादी है , ज़ुबान मेरी लाचार सही , कलम मेरी तलवार है। चल पड़ा हु ज़िन्दगी के पथ पे , होके निडर, मेहनत करूँगा भरपूर , नतीजे क्या होंगे किसको है फिकर ! आज फिर ज़िन्दगी जीतने निकला हु , क्या हुआ अगर मैं हकला हु !! दिनेश
About Samvad ..
Dear All, We at TISA share a quarterly newsletter called Samwad, these could be found at These contain stories and information about PWS, Stammering and all related information. We have been very fortunate to understand few principles of Stammering through TISA. Now, we are duty-bound to spread whatever little we know with others through […]
Cricket and Stammering an Analogy..
Cricket and stammering an Analogy.. From my very young days, in fact from my chaddi days I was interested in cricket and it has somewhat permeated in my blood I play well! Be it batting, bowling or fielding. But when it came to speaking – I was no where, I was lost for words, I was […]
Ideas for 2014..
Last week, Karthik, Sairam, Avnish, Abhinav and Myself brainstormed on how to take the shg to the next level and make it more effective, Following ideas emerged. We seek your feedback on this and after necessary tweaking and twisting these will be implemented. SHG activities will be carried out in 3-month tenure. For each 3-month period, · […]
Meeting Invite – Bangalore SHG Meet – Dec 1
Venue – Cubbon Park (near Central Library) Time – 10am to 1PM. For directions or any clarifications, please feel free to drop a mail or call dinesh.daredevil”at”gmail 98800 50526 Let us come out of our comfort zones and meet.. I used to have a comfort zone where I knew I wouldn’t fail.The same four walls and busywork […]
Thoughts and places..
When I’m at home, the kind of thought that enter my mind can be put in one category. When I’m riding my bike there are a different set of thoughts, When I’m at office again there are certain related thoughts. And when I’m at SHG the kind of thoughts that fill mind are different. There […]
Let the TISA SHGs bloom..
It’s good to see that there are many SHGs blooming. They should not wither away during dry and hard times! Here are the few basic observations which will help in smooth functioning of SHG. Issues faced by SHG in order of their priority 1) The biggest challenge – Low attendance – This is the heart […]
Bangalore SHG – The Next is here..
“We all have capability to do a lot more than what we think we can do“ SHG platform will help you realize this. Volunteering in SHG and taking-up responsibilities in SHG is one of the surest, fastest and best approach for self-growth. I’m happy to announce that Abhinav will take over as Bangalore SHG coordinator. Feel free […]
Lover, lunatics and poets are made of same stuff..
Lover, lunatics and poets are made of same stuff –Bhagath Singh Independent India just completed her 66 long years and entered her 67th glorius year. We the people of India are proud to stand in the land that has borne innumerable souls who have shown light to the entire world at every step of evolution. […]
Myriad Colours of Life experienced – One Theme at a time..
(Write-up by Nishil) ITS THEMATIC BANGALORE This Week SHG session in Bangalore set the stage for yet another new milestone. Lots of action items on the table for the members to choose and deliver. Here are the details of this epic meet. The session was coordinated by Sairam, this is a new process wherein people […]
Slow Pace, Loud voice
“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” Activity 1 was about general discussion about NC2013. Activity 2 :- Reading- Slow Pace loud voice There are 5 rows in our class room and generally we sit in the first 2. For this exercise we all sat in […]
Put-up with the rain..
(Write-up by Nishil) Venue: Madiwala Timeline:20-7-2013 14.00 PM – 17.00 PM The meetup was scheduled at 14.00 ,the turn up looked bleak. The rain had picked up pace further lowering the hopes of people coming. It was not long before the numbers began swelling. People came one by one drenched in rain, a sense […]
When going gets tough..
(write-up by Nishil) Event Timeline :14.00-17.00 13/7/13 Madiwala It was a bright Saturday morning in Bangalore ,dampened was the noon due to intermittent rain, but even rain could not dampen the spirit of SHG Bangalore. The lively spirits in the meetup were Akash,Abhinav,Dinesh,Jitu,Sairam,Karthik,Navdeep,Jagjit,Nishil and Manish. So the meet begins Activity 1: 1.Reading and narration […]
Live Free – Whatever happens is for good only
(Write-up by Nishil) The meeting began at 2.00 pm in a cloudy saturday noon. Nayeemuddin,Nishil,Akash,Anbu,Kishan,venkataraju,Avnish,Anand,Sairam and Dinesh, had gathered.The meeting started off with slow reading to monitor the pace of speech, it was reading line by line altenatively by 2 people so that it would force us to create rhythm each time we start. Next came […]