Self help in Spain!

Greetings friends, my name is Carlos and I’m a stutterer who live in Spain, I have a blog where I offer free information about all methods for stuttering, and also a method that I invented, I would like them to put a link to my blog on your site……… …..

IIT Mumbai First meet takes off..

First self help meet at IIT Mumbai on 19th October 2014! Organised by Kamal and conducted by Dhruv- and helped tremendously by Mumbai SHG and all the participants. If you are a young student looking for answers, insights and friends, get in touch and join the next meet: OR

Straight from Experts!!

Does Vitamin B-complex help? Does chanting help? Does hypnotherapy cure stammering? Does it run in families? questions, questions, questions.. Guys and Gals- you may have lot of questions! Check out this page. Your question may have already been answered; if not, dont hesitate to ask at: Also, our Indian self-help scene has attracted some […]

Anti Climax!

Few days back, ‘he’ phoned me; Yes, this young fire-cracker was most popular in NC, he had lot of fun; spoke non-stop and entertained us; we understood him very well in spite of a little stammering here and there. He could be called MR NC, I think! But on phone, now after a few days, […]

देखो देखें ये जमाना……पंछी उड़ा जाए रे

आज कल टीवी पर होंडा की एक Advertisement बहुत फेमस हो चली है..मैसेज दे रही है….. “देखो देखे ये जमाना ….पंछी उड़ा जाये रे…” जब भी येऐड मेरा भतीजा देखता है…थोड़ा surprisingly आँखो से देखता है। एक दिन पूछने लगा .. काका हम बाइक से कैसे उड सकते है ? ये प्रश्न से मै थोड़ा […]

Mumbai- no more mum..

IIT Bombay SHG starting Sunday, October 19, 2 to 4 PM, (thanks to Kamal and Dhruv!) All Mumbai SHG members please come to IIT B this Sunday. We will meet at 1:30 PM near Y point or Market gate. SHG will be from 2 PM to 4 PM. The venue is few hundred meters closer […]

NC videos

For NC interviews as podcast check below: Thanks Kushal for sharing the video..

Feedback from Vikas!

h3 { margin-top: 0.07cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(31, 77, 120); text-align: left; page-break-inside: avoid; widows: 2; orphans: 2; }h3.western { font-family: “Calibri Light”,serif; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; }h3.cjk { font-family: “Droid Sans Fallback”; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; }h3.ctl { font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; }h2 { margin-top: 0.07cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(46, […]

lots can happen over a cup of coffee

(Recieved from Tanveer) Oh Nescafe! This is brilliant and humanizing. Alright, it’s time for a confession. Not many people know that I’ve struggled with stammering throughout my life. They are surprised when I tell them and I get comments like-“oh! But I never speak perfectly fine”. Well, of course you didn’t notice because I’ve […]

Malala’s father

“I always knew my father had trouble with words. Sometime they would get stuck and he would repeat the same syllable over and over like a record caught in a groove as we all waited for the next syllable to suddenly pop out..” Priyanka, my niece, had gifted me the book “I am Malala” at […]

Many thanks to ALL of you..

At successful completion of this big collaborative event- fourth national conference, we in TISA want to thank sincerely ALL of you, who made it possible: the parents, the friends – who expressed their solidarity and participated; women who stammer (WWS) who took courage to come and meet us; many young (and not so young!) pws […]

NC day 3

A little sadness hung heavy over the hills and vales. Hundred strangers who had become friends were about to part… Pushing such thoughts back we started the day. Some went for a morning walk, some did yoga and some had fun in the pool. Small group discussions were going on full steam all over the […]

NC Day 2

A hectic day! Lot of things were happening all around. Rahul Puntambekar of Sri Ram Chandra Mission (HQ at Chennai) shared his thoughts on role of meditation in life. Some of the prominent ideas discussed was: stammering is a difficulty, not an obstacle or disease. A temporary difficulty at that. Solution always lies with in […]

Morning in Khandala

Took a walk to Shooting point and saw the sun struggling up the western ghats… I was not the only “early bird” , there were other participants up and about early in the morning…

Random acts of kindness…

This was a short address in Hindi by sachin to set the tone for the next three days ; an appeal to view stammering – and everything else in life – in a bigger picture – of finding fulfillment by serving others – not as a favor, but as a service to our larger Self. Here […]

NC 2014 Day 1

The day began with a juggler’s show by Ruben which increasingly began complex and dangerous; fortunately he stopped with long sharp knives..!! Message was clear →every skill is  mastered through practice and stepping up the challenge constantly. Inauguration was done by Mrs Panchal, Jacquelin and Vipula. Then, intro in the large group of hundred or […]

It is ON!

Of course our NC- But I am talking about ISAD online conference: Click on fourth tab “Papers Presented by…”. Drop down menu gives the categories. All are worth exploring. Check out what is happening around the world!! I was able to browse just one paper and I found it very interesting: “Acceptance and the […]

News from the frontline..

“…There is a growing movement among activist adults with autism and Asperger syndrome who don’t think in terms of ‘curing’ a disorder but instead of celebrating difference. Although this page has been written primarily for the parents of newly-diagnosed children, it may be helpful to note the viewpoints of some adults with autism spectrum disorders, who […]

Haklo’n ke Khiladi!!

h1 { margin-top: 0.85cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; direction: ltr; text-align: left; widows: 2; orphans: 2; page-break-after: auto; }h1.western { font-family: “Cambria”,serif; font-size: 14pt; }h1.cjk { font-size: 14pt; }h1.ctl { font-size: 14pt; }p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; direction: ltr; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; widows: 2; orphans: Ha ha. haa…Hiee every one, mmmmyself A… A.. Atul Sigh […]