Bangalore SHG Nov 17, 2013 meetup report

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little more persistence, a littlse more effort, and what seemed
hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
 This week the meeting was conducted
in sight of lush green surroundings in cubbon park, situated in the
heart of Bangalore this place attracts all kinds of people holding
gatherings, walking, relaxing and some jogging. Among these we were
lucky to occupy the sole porch with shelter on top. 

When I reached around 5 minutes to
10.00 AM, I was wondering if I was the only one who reached before
time and was feeling elated when I spotted Dinesh seated in one of
the benches.We moved ourselves to the porch and found Sairam and
Animesh already waiting, so much for my elation. The gathering had
members Dinesh,Nishil,Sairam,Abhinav,Pramod,Animesh,Sharath,Lohith
and Akash.
The meeting started at 10.30, One
of the most important discussion cropped up, as to why do we come to
shg. The atmosphere that the shg provides to open up won’t be
found anywhere else, we have to open up. Whatever we think we attain
by coming here, are we really working on that or rather have we
forgotten our goal and carry on the quota of our Sunday time to
something which we just think will happen, if we robotic-ally are
present in the meeting. It all boils down to what do we aspire to
attain and what are our action plan towards it, “destination with
no route is always a mirage”
The questions were put forth and it
was a time for retrospection for each one of us. Next we moved on to
our current affairs in the week ups and downs , funny, scary
incidents. This settled the mood for the upcoming activities.
Quotations: This exercise was to
read the Quotations from a book thanks to Pramod, this was to get the
meaning of the Quote and elaborate on it, this seemed simple but
turned tricky when each one had their own way of interpreting the
Quote, thus suggesting different viewpoints, depending on the way you
perceive it.
The 2nd activity was to
Prepare a story on picture given, this was a fun filled activity
where in the members were divided into 2 groups and the story invented
by one group was up to scrutiny and they had to defend their story
with all sorts of questions asked by the other team. Sharath was
preparing one more interactive activity due to the lack of time it
will be held next time.
By this time the sun was already
high on our head and when the clock ticked one we began to leave
closing one more wonderful chapter.

Written By – Nishil

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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