This has been some of my experience and those of my mates who have candidly shared in
shg meetings that I attended in last few years..
Because of stammering, I failed in Interview.
Because of stammering, I was not promoted.
Because of stammering, I could not give the presentation
Because of stammering, I could not find a suitable partner.
Because of stammering, I’m not happy.
As we understand 1% of population stutters and 99% are so called “fluent”
Going by above statements, Everyone of the 99% fluent population,
Should always pass an interview!
Should always find a partner of his choice!
Should not have any problems in careers!
Should be an ace presenter!
Should be always Happy!
Should be Ambani, Tata, Birla or Modi!! 😉
But our first hand experience of our “normal” friends does tell that
99% are as vulnerable as others (in fact more vulnerable I would say – they dont have anything to blame for!)
The reasons for short comings of 99% maybe(I have still not come to my stuttering fraternity!)
Lack of technical skills,
Lack of experience in skills required,
Lack of ability to express oneself (Lack of communication skills)
Low Self esteem,
No hands-on experience – only bookish knowledge.
Lack of interaction/negotiating skills.. etc etc
To add to these, me and my fraternity of stammer community has “Stammering” as an additional reason for failure.
Fair enough, lets acknowledge that Stammering does hamper ones chances – in the same breath lets also
acknowledge that stammering is not “The Deciding Factor”!
We get caught in the vicious cycle of stuttering that we see that stuttering is our “only” problem.
Its true that stuttering masks the other problems we have.
Things does ease out for good, when the mask comes off sooner than later.
Today we are fortunate that we have something to blame for.
I’m scared what will happen to us – when this privilege is taken away..