We are very lucky and thanks to Ankush Grover, COO of INNOV8 COWORKING” to give us a fantastic place at CP, New Delhi. As per the google its the world’s 6th most expensive place and Yes its for our Sunday meetup. So the meeting will take place at 11 am sharp at their venue “Innov8 […]
TISA Hyderabad chapter: meeting Report : 24th Aprl 2016 This week,the presence of two senior most TISA members helped us to learn more about stammering. Both of them contributed to the meeting with their wide experience & depth of knowledge . Ok,let me reveal their names.They are non other than our Rajesh and Shivaji . […]
Delhi SHG Meet up 24th April, 2016
–> Venue: Jantar Mantar, Connaught Place, Near Rajiv Chowk Metro Station Gate No. 6 –> Timing: 10AM – 1PM –> Host: Ravi Jagga (9868331465) –> Co-host: Gaurav Sharma (9717452658) Agenda:- # Introduction # Meditation # Ground Rules Setup # Techniques sharing (for new comers) # Ah Um Game (Extempore) # Toll free number call practise […]
TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 24th April 2016
Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with easiness then stammering can be dissolved from speech.We […]
Report of Delhi SHG Meeting on 17 April, 2016
This report is written by Md. Nazish Delhi SHG Meeting on 17th April, 2016 Host: Suraj Co – Host: Ashish Agarwal Timing: 10:30 am to 2:00 pm Venue: Jantar Mantar Meetign was started at 11:30 am and continued till 1:45 pm. It was good meeting attended by 7 people inspite of hot summer. They were […]
TISA hyderabad chapter meet up details: 17th Aprl 2016 Meeting report by Eshwar Ramu,Surya,Vamsi,Shiva Reddy,Sandeep,Chinni & myself have attended the meeting at Jalgam Vengal Rao park. We started our meeting with meditation & introduction. After this we have done the following activities : 1. Anxiety Control round : In this round, a person has to […]
Bangalore SHG meeting report 17 Apr 2016
Cheers everyone, As you know we are having our meeting in a very disciplined manner now-a-days. This was our 6th meeting in this way. It started with prepared speech round. First sppech was an introduction speech by Ruben. I was late in this meeting so I missed […]
The story part 3 – with Ravinder
16th April 2016 I met Ravinder bhai at Gandhi park around 11 am. Ravinder (from Dehradun shg ) has been practicing the techniques since quite a few months and has managed to use them publicly . So I had a lot of things to learn from him. We spent some time at the Gandhi park […]
Patna Bihar SHG Meeting Report – 16th April 2016
This Sunday meeting was held at the Budha Smriti park. We were only two peoples- Me and Krishna. As all were busy in their work. So Krishna said let’s continue with both of us. We met right at 4pm and started our meeting with an experience of weekends and general life talks. The meeting was […]
An interesting news item
An interesting development, along the lines of genetic origins of stammering- just in case someone is interested: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/researchers-genetically-engineer-mice-to-stutter-laying-basis-for-model-of-the-human-speech-disorder
TISA Hyderabad Chapter meeting on 17th April 2016 Hello Friends, You are welcome to THE INDIAN STAMMERING ASSOCIATION Self Help Group meetings.These meetings will make you know what stammering is about and how we can control our speech patterns in day to day life.Here We Stammer at Ease.It is proved that if we stammer with […]
Delhi SHG meeting invitation – 17th April
Delhi SHG Meet 17th April Venue : Janter ManterTiming : 10.30 am to 1:30 pm Hosts :Ashish & Suraj Agenda for the meeting This would be an intense practice session where all the participant would need to follow speech rules. 1. Speak Loud and clear 2. Maintain eye contact while talking 3. Keep your rate […]
A thought for introspection.
Today while going through some old stories of Sachin, I found this one to be useful for young PWS like me. Today I discovered that many of us (me included) have a tendency to play a trick on ourselves and others: we start offering help to other PWS, in attempt to project an image: “I […]
Delhi SHG Meeting Report – 10th April 2016
Host: Amit dixshit Co-host: Gaurav nd Jagriti Timing: 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Venue:Jantar Mantar Meeting was started at 11:30 Am.We were 18 people,Vikas,Nazish , Abhishek,Anurag,Gaurav,Akash,Rahul,Anshul,Manish,Abhimanyu,Arunesh,Sunoy,sandeep,Praveen,Madhav,Amit,Gaurav and Jagriti. This time we had 2 new comers,praveen and Arunesh. We started with meditation and then introduction .After introduction we continued with our other activities which are as […]
Online counseling..
I received a very relevant question from a young pws. After removing the names etc. I am sharing the answer here, because it may be of some use to many others: Question Dear sir, I want to ask you something. The story goes like this. I always wanted someone to stay with me. So as […]
Pune SHG Report 10 April 2016
SHG meeting started at 10:45. Meeting was attended by Anshu, Amol,Ravi Shankar, Lalit, Pravin and Thirtha . Thirhta and Pravin were newcomers. So Amol and other briefed them about TISA and different techniques. We started with meditation and then introduction. After introduction we continued with our other activities. 1. Slow Reading […]
The story continues – with sachin sir and Mohit Dwivedi
Date 12th April 2016 Today was very different in a challenging way. Me and Vivek met Sachin sir at 9 30 am. The thing about stammering is that it gets worse with strangers and at that very moment it really bothers what that person is thinking when we stammerers get stuck at a block .So […]
jasbir sandhu staaammered
Yes I stammered. I stammered badly last Saturday in a family function that too in my own comfort zone. My nephew was introducing his friend to me. While asking about his place of work I stammered very badly at word You…..What happened ? I discussed with Dr. Sachin. The Devil may suddenly come out while […]
testing part 2
please keep checking this blog.
The Story Begins Part 1
Stammering has affected me all my life. So to overcome this problem there was only one person who could tell me how to do it- Dr Sachin Shrivastva . So I decided to meet him in Dehra dun . Date : 10th April 2016 I was supposed to meet Sachin sir in Gandhi park at […]