Chennai Chapter- Congratulations!!

Mr V. Manimaran and Mr Vishal Dadha have been appointed as TISA Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator respectively for Chennai Chapter from 1st June 2008. Congratulations from entire TISA family! Here is a brief bio. Mr.V.Manimaran, 51, has creditably served in Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) for last 28 years and is now holding the office of Superintending Engineer. His ambition now is to spread awareness about stammering in society and serve PWS/ CWS through self help groups, personal contact and dissemination of latest objective information about it. He can be contacted at Mobile : 94450 61999. Email: Vishal Dadha, 34, studied in Calcutta and shifted to Chennai in 1997. Presently he is in the business in Customs clearing and forwarding in Chennai. He was married to Ankur in 1999 and has a 3 year old son. He hopes to see bigger and many more self help groups, providing support and information to children and people who stammer. He dreams of a world where stammering is understood, like any other diversity in human beings. He can be contacted at – mobile number 97911-57911. Email :, Both Mani and Vishal actively participate in the self help group meetings in Chennai at Marina beach, near Gandhi statue, every 2nd and 4th Sundays. Feel free to phone them and visit the group. Their group’s motto is: Better attitudes through knowledge!

Post Author: Sachin