Feedback Update: I have just removed two comments and am putting the gist here- so that we can move to future, and not look back at what has happened. For me lesson learned is:
- Select participants carefully (match their needs, background, difficulties etc.);
- send out clear invitation to selected participants;
- be very focused on the “learning objectives” (agreed upon before the workshop)
- Make workshop MORE participatory (participants speak more) and challenging (practice in market etc.)
- Encourage people to respect allotted time
- Give more time to younger pws (new, first contact with TISA) than those who are older, settled and may be, facing less difficulties.

As organiser, I apologise and assure you that next workshop will stick to the above principles and serve your needs better. Thanks ALL of you.
Day 3:
We gave badges (Haklao- magar pyar se) to Dr Tejpal and Mr Jasbir. Some recap- and some discussion about TRANSFLUENCY..Then we divide in 3 sub-groups and rehearsed two Hindi plays: “Three beggars” and “Fraud sadhu”. Around 12 noon, final presentations began. For many of us, it was the first opportunity- full of emotion and angst- reminding us of the childhood débâcles on stage. But everyone rose to the challenge- and not only did a great act but also had LOT of fun.
All the 3 groups excelled at staging the play as well as improvising and giving funny twist to original dialogues. One group concluded with a dance by the three beggars, to the famous Rithik number – Ik pal ka jeena..(look out this space for videos).
After lunch, the participants were asked to write down a concrete personal plan as to what they can or should be doing after the workshop. They gave feedback in writing and verbally too, through mini presentations. One important feedback was:
Select participants based on their needs and the number of previous workshops they have attended: have two levels-beginner or advance. And prepare content accordingly. Advance group would need more challenging and practical activities than beginners..
Develop specific workshop objectives and stick to them. (Thanks Hemant and Vikas for this useful feedback)
Stay in Hotel Kailash was problematic and in future, a different venue should be explored.
More feedback, gathered by Pramendra:
Motivate women pws to join..
Organise interactions with outsiders..
Include family of pws..
Advertise in newspapers..
Invite government servants (to have interaction with pws)
Practice mock interviews
Share activity plan in advance on blog..
Share phone numbers of pws who are good at certain techniques..
More interactive and use of AV materials..
Plan a workshop for only girl pws ..
During workshop, pws should be encouraged to use learned techniques..
Pramendra led a discussion about NC 2013. The gist of discussion was to do it in an atmosphere, which is suitable for the activities usually done in NC. Also, reach out to a wider audience through NC. TISA seniors will be exploring it further. Finally a group photograph and we dispersed, with new friendships and a deeper understanding of who we are, beneath our stammering..
14 thoughts on “Comm WS : Day 3”
(April 21, 2013 - 4:30 pm)I am returning from herbertpur after attending workshop ,I got so much sweeeeeeet memories & many new friends. thanks to all participants who had spared Their valuable time for this workshop.
One line of Dr. Tejpal – "i am sure that up to my age (>50 yrs), you all participants will forget, that you was a stammerer"…..
इतनी शिद्दत से मैने तुमको (fluency) पाने की ख्वाहिश की है, कि जर्रे जर्रे ने मुझे तुमसे मिलाने की कोशिश की है
Atul bahuguna
(April 21, 2013 - 5:56 pm)Yesterday i met with a small accident…..thats why i couldn't come for workshop…..
Bt whatever was reason , i think i lost a great opportunity n i will miss it….. I am feeling vey bad…… I was so excited by this workshop……………..
(April 22, 2013 - 3:34 am)Happy for all the attendees there, although a bit jealous too..i cant make it!!
Anyways, good to see you all guys enjoying there.
anupinder,dr.sachin,jasbir ji,hemant ji and dr.tejpal……hope to see you soon!!
(April 22, 2013 - 7:07 am)I congratulate all for the brilliant participation in the workshop and particularly to Dr. Sachin for organising such a wonderful workshop. I have come back with great memories to cherish.
Hope to see you all in coming Delhi conference.
Mayank Harjika
(April 22, 2013 - 7:57 am)I reached home after attending 3 days workshop. The major change i am feeling right now after attending workshop and meet other participants is my attitude towards stammering as well as my life. What i had learn from Sachin Sir be polite, calm and if somebody including me asking stupid and irrelevant questions answered in that way that stupid question also becames meaningful thanku for that.
(April 22, 2013 - 10:33 am)i think-we should use word- TransFluency instead of stammering on blog and day to day life. as by speaking, imagining, feeling about stammering, we are giving extra energy to stammering. if we want to achieve fluency, we should use word transfluency as as per law of attraction, if we imagine and give emotion to that imagination,we are sycronising frequency for achieving that things.
watch 90 minutes full movie, which can change your whole mindset:
(April 22, 2013 - 3:26 pm)Thanks everyone- including anonymous above! I agree that for some pws – those who have gained fluency and confidence- Toastmaster etc. is a better platform to get challenged and to work on their communication skills. For others, Comm WS should provide many more opportunities to PRACTICE techniques (like the drama and mini presentations). We will keep this in mind and implement it in next workshop. Anyway, we thank everyone for their inputs, time.and honest feedback..
(April 22, 2013 - 5:38 pm)P.Vallinayagam
(April 22, 2013 - 6:05 pm)Good to see many people enjoyed the WS.
Vishal, you are awesome man
Vishal Gupta
(April 23, 2013 - 4:29 am)thank you Valli….
hope u will attend the coming Natioanal Conference in NEW Delhi
(April 23, 2013 - 10:41 am)Sachin Sir please upload remaining two also.
(April 23, 2013 - 1:05 pm)congrats to every one for successful completion of this communication work shop
(April 25, 2013 - 11:00 am)Thanks Hemanth..for leading me into the clip..My perspective : The more we keep on thinking about our each other with the agenda being Stammering ..we are bound to attract more instances of stammering into our life..Life is so much more than the stammering…why dont we start focusing on other workable areas of our life….
(April 25, 2013 - 11:04 am)Now since i have commented , i may be asked why am i hovering over TISA Blog , when i say at the same time that their are better areas to focus on in life…My earnest answer is…i seek hope..i search for stories of inspiration from many places..TISA BLOG is one such source…
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