Delhi Meet (04-April-2009) Report


We had the weekly Delhi meet at the usual place – Central Park, Connaught Place at the usual time 2:00 PM. This time we have decided to have the meeting in a planned, controlled manner rather than the ad-hoc manner of previous meetings.

Sikander was chosen as the coordinator for the meeting, and he did an excellent job of sunning it smoothly. This meeting has following attendees –

1. Abhaydeep
2. Anuj
3. Arun
4. Kshitiz
5. Nitin
6. Rahul
7. Sikander

Anuj was the new entrant to group and had came from Karnal to attend the meeting. We began the meeting with a short intro from Anuj, in which he shared his fears about facing job interviews. So we decided to have our interview experience as the topic for our talks. Everybody told their interview experiences and then rest discussed about how he spoke for another 3-4 minuted.

After this the discussion turned to proper articulation and how do we give so little attention to it. Anuj is in touch with American Institute of Stuttering and shared their methodology with us. Some of it was new to us and very interesting. He will be sending their material to me soon, which I’ll share on the group.

And before we knew it, it was alreadt 6 PM; we had a 4 hour meeting without realizing it. It was a very satisfying meet, all of us enjoyed and benefitted a lot 

I am already looking forward to the next one 



Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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