Experience of Bhavana as this was her first NC…… “Man ki baatein”

Myself Bhavana Patil from Mumbai SHG.
It was my first NC.I was nervous and tense about NC as I was knowing very few people from Mumbai only.

But I after reaching Goa I felt a infinite comfort zone when Goa SHG people and other gave us warm welcome ?.

Everyone was introducing themselves with “stammering and blocks”.. Those blocks were making me more comfortable each time as there will be no1 to laugh at me?

In NC,I met many experienced and well settled people. I was always having thinking that I can’t do anything in my life due to stammering but after meeting those people my mind set have got changed in a positive way and I decided to work more hard towards my goal.?

The calm environment in Goa gave me time to think about me. Beaches were giving me inspiration you can do it ,don’t quit.?

Now,I had accepted myself as I am,I am no more hiding my stammering also working for improvement. There was a huge difference between Bhavana who has arrived to Goa? and Bhavana who has departure  from Goa?.

Last one, I proudly tell my friend now I am having huge network of friends all over the India.. ?

Thank you all for such a great experience ,I wish I will have more in future.. ? Happy to have you all??…..

Post Author: Vishal Gupta

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