Hello TISA…

Boy Talking On Mobile Cell Phone Clipart

Dear Friends,

TISA has been getting lot of enquiries on mail. Most of this enquiries come from internet users looking for help, having a question or just wanting to share. At times, we realize that a person-to-person connection would go a long way in offering a satisfactory help. Moreover, over the years we have seen TISA volunteers and leaders emerging into great facilitators and counsellors. So why not fill this gap by offerring a conselling service through our TISA volunteers?

So here’s the idea:
1. We would like to invite coordinators and volunteers across the country, who have been around and attended a few TISA events to volunteer their availability as ‘Counsellors’ with date or days of week (Eg. every wednesdays of the week) of their availability.
2. TISA would maintain a roster of all such volunteering counsellors, with their availability.
3. Put the information of the conselling service on our home page, with the Name of the Counsellor for the day, and time. For convenience, let us start with a time slot of 7pm to 8.30pm everyday (suggestions on the timings most welcome!). The space for counselling service will display the name and contact number of counsellor, and would change as per the availability.

So calling everyone to volunteer as counsellor, with your prefferred dates / days of week. Let’s add a human touch to our efforts in delivering self-help over the internet. Would love to hear more thoughts on this. Suggestions and ideas to make this idea more effective are most welcome.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

4 thoughts on “Hello TISA…


    (October 29, 2016 - 6:16 pm)

    Great Idea, you can put me down for Monday, 7-9 pm. – to begin with. I will be happy to answer any questions from NEW pws.. (for old ones, there is plenty on this website and the blog, I guess !).

    Dhruv Gupta

    (October 29, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

    You can put me down for Saturdays 11:30 am – 1:30 pm!

    Harish Usgaonker

    (October 29, 2016 - 9:23 pm)

    Thanks a lot Dr. Sachin and Dhruv!

    Somak Mandal

    (March 19, 2017 - 4:21 pm)

    i am a member of kolkata SHG. right now im sytaying in hyd. i need councelling and in hyd. is there any SHG in hyd? any contact no.

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