Ankit and Mukesh organised a day event at the beautiful campus of IIT Roorkee. About dozen students participated – two from Meerut, one of whom was a young teacher. We saw Julia Irani’s famous interview, discussed it , shared and practiced some techniques – here and there discussing some serious and deeper issues. what is normal? Who gets to decide it? To what extent are we supposed to conform? And then, there is the basic task of getting the meaning across..we had couple of energisers- then lunch. After lunch we had some more extempore speaking sessions.. we discussed the need for challenging ourselves systematically and one nice way of doing this could be running a self help group or participating in such activities. Obviously one such event is not enough. We hope that we have generated more questions and that when participants go back and think about these questions, they will be looking at the big picture, with more courage, creativity and originality.
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2 thoughts on “IIT Roorkee”
(November 11, 2014 - 6:04 am)Encouraging event..I hope that such events keep on taking place in IIT Roorkee…
(November 11, 2014 - 6:05 pm)I think all the progress humanity has made is because of constantly questioning things that happens around and this is equally true with stammerers, non stammerers too.
Unanswered question leaves in us a great curiosty
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