Here is a beautiful poem by Khuzema, from chennai…
I’m brave enough
Tides of evil are strong, electric and high,
But I have decided to swim against the tide.
Woes and worries are the ingredients of my life,
But I have decided to take them in my stride.
What if, if I’m in the middle of the night
And clouds prevent the stars to shine.
I know, the eclipse of any kind is impermanent
The sun of prosperity surely will shine.
Never mind if I’m lost in the woods
And the ghost of failures haunts me from behind.
I believe that the hard work never go unrequited
Path of the glory, my heart surely will find.
Chain of mountains is still ahead of me to cross
And the liabilities are multiplying my load
But God has always tested who are brave
And I’m brave enough to be rewarded by my Lord.
by- KhuzemaY.Siamwala (Copyrighted)