Hi, the Delhi SHG meeting was held on 13th December 2009 at the Central Park Connaught Place. To start with, there were Arun and myself in the meeting, Anuj had to join late. We met and discussed about how our practises were going on and what changes have we observed over the period. We both agreed that stammering is more linked to our psychology and our fear of interacting with people. It is like a vicious circle that if we stammer, we will not talk and if we will not talk (come out of our inhibitions), we will stammer. We practised breathing techniques of 4-2-6 and meditation. Then, we practised slow reading. After that we discussed about the effects of our behaviour towards stammering and how we can change our thought process into positive thinking rather than our mind generating negative thoughts and emotions. After this, we played an interesting game, we went to people and interacted with them using the most difficult words. Also, we created the environment of mock interviews and gave interviews to each other. At 12 PM it was time for me to leave. Arun and Anuj continued with the meeting.
Such meeting are really fruitful and help us in a better way than always practising in isolation.
Deepak Sanothra