My exam experience

Well here I’m again with some blah blah.
This time it’s the experience of my exam days. Very recently I had my exams. Well, exams never really stressed me much. Infact, I love to give exams. As you all know that in any exam when the main supplementary(answer book) gets over then we need to ask for an extra supplementary. And here is where I used to stuck heavily.
Almost in all the papers, I used to be the first one in the class to ask for an extra supplementary. In a class where pin drop silence prevails, asking for a supplementary was like eating raw iron !!!
On the first day of my exam, it took me 8 full minutes to ask for a supplementary !!!!!!
I knew that 8 minutes were surely unaffordable to loose when every second can make a difference.
It went like this: my main answer book is over and I start speaking ‘supplementary’ word and actually it goes like this ‘s-s-s-s-s-s………….’.
Heart racing like hell. Blood freezing.
Another attempt ‘s-s-s-s-s……’.
Lips sealed……… Eyes with pity and helplessness.
Did not work.
One more attempt ‘s-s-s-s-…..’.
This time sound ‘s’ came out of the mouth and no other sound comes and whole class staring like they are going to kill me. !!!
Fortunately, they did not.
This way, I used to ask for supplementary. I could have used the word ‘answer book’ as an alternative or just raise the hand but I did not want to do it. I just wanted to challenge myself and wanted to see WHAT will happen IF I stammered heavily in front of the whole class?
Yes, I did stammer HEAVILY this way every day of my exam. But I saw that NOTHING was affected due to my stammering except few smiling and/or making awkward faces towards me.
I used to practice a lot to speak the word ‘supplementary’ at home and everything seemed to be fine at home but when the real speaking time came then things were different.
There were days in my past, when even single such kind of incident used to control my thoughts and made me to loose my concentration in my work.
But I am happy that this incident this time was like a normal thing for me. I will not say that it completely did not bothered me. It did but just to some minor levels and it could not reach to my sub-conscious mind to control my thoughts.
For some time, I thought that I must not ask for any extra supplementary due to my stammering but then I killed that thought immediately and went on and on.
The outcome is that I’m satisfied from my inner side and by god’s grace my exams also went really well.
So, my dear friends, don’t allow stammer to control you and influence your life.
I can really understand that this is not so easy atittude to develop but keep trying and slowly you will get there.
Love to all.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

4 thoughts on “My exam experience


    (April 25, 2011 - 11:59 am)

    Very interesting. Yes, this is the way to break that FEAR barrier which rules us from the childhood..


    (April 26, 2011 - 2:19 am)

    Well.. I used to say somethg like
    "Sirrrr… Sheet", "One here"…

    And yup with stamerring 🙂


    (April 26, 2011 - 3:50 am)

    Just do it Attitude!!


    (April 28, 2011 - 6:44 am)

    Thanks for sharing windstorm. Your post took me back to my college days where my all thoughts were focused on how to ask for supplementary than exam itself! I tried assorted tricks like standing first to seek the attention of supervisor and believing in his/her smartness that s/he will figure out that I needed a supplementary! Many a times they weren't smart enough and in one instance, supervisor thought that I wanted to use a loo and granted me the permission before hand! I also tried carrying a "chit" with "supplementary" written on it but it could also be counterproductive as any "chit" can be dangerous in examination hall. Somehow I could never gather courage like you to stammer openly. Perhaps because you have TISA by your side, I had nothing at that point of time.

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