Before we lose track of what happened (yes, life must move on!), we are putting here all the relevant links related to NC 2014 for easy retrieval and reference. All this information has been provided by Virendra Shirse, very kindly. We thank PUNE SHG for pulling it off, so well and all the participants for joining and making our effort meaningful.
What happened?
Daily Summaries with Pics:
TISA and Virendra Shirse:
Thank you to ALL:
Feedback on NC:
NC report from Vikas Ranga:
Guests at NC:
Jacqueline –
Fall out of NC:
Many more subtle waves have been unleashed..
NC Preparation: (Pune SHG- thank you so much!)
Highlights of NC:
- We
had final confirmation of 105 people joining at NC So we booked 29
rooms in total having 7 shared by 1 to 3 people and 22 rooms booked
which were shared for 4 people each room. - We sponsored 17 PWS
with total amount of sponsorship Rs. 44200/-. 5 people to whom we agreed
to sponsor, they did not bother to inform till end and we lost some
money. I did try to vacate one room in which we saved Rs. 6000 for Oct 4
and 5. Due to this there were some changes I did which may have caused
some discomfort to couple folks. So my apologies on it. - 5 people did not join and 3 of them informed me in advance, so I have refunded money to 3 of them.
- 2 people did not join NC but wanted to help NC, so we have added their funds to TISA funds.
- Friend of one PWS joined at the last moment so we were able to adjust him in a room and save another Rs. 2750.
- One PWS from Pune joined for two days and paid for lunch charges of Rs. 700.
- We had total of 8 non PWS joined us.
2 thoughts on “NC Central (2014)”
(October 29, 2014 - 7:52 am)आपने कुछ वीडियो को ही उपलब्ध कराया है।आपके एवं अन्य लोगों के विडयो NC के कब आएंगे
(October 30, 2014 - 5:05 am)An expert committee is working on those highly sensational videos.. Removing all the pauses..making all of us great orators!
(Just having too waiting)
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