New website for stammering


As you all know we had planned for an intensive therapy camp at Samagra Ashram, Dehradun for 13th – 15th June; due to various reason that camp couldn’t go through. I was kinda depressed due to that, and seeing that Sachin sir invited me to Ashram, and I decided to go there with my family.

That must count amongst some of the best decisions I have ever made. I got to meet Dr. Sachin, his staff and their patients. These guys are wonderfully and selflessly doing a tremendous job. They are based in a suburb of Dehradun and work amongst the rural section of society. There I realized how fortunate we are to have access to various resources related to speech therapy/stuttering, and what an excellent work Dr. Sachin and his team doing by making available those resources to people in vicinity.

There we discussed how useful a web-site as a centralized resource repository will be for us stutterers. We visualized the web-site as a place where PWS can discuss and share their experiences, various therapies/method they practice, and other things. A place where PWS can collaborate to face their stuttering. A place where they can find resources (reading material, videos, audios) for speech therapy. A place where people can schedule voice chat with others.

We have taken the first step in this direction; we have registered a web site and bought some hosting space. Now the real task begins, that of creating and publishing content. For this we are looking for volunteers, who will work under Sachin sir’s guidance. Right now we have three volunteers – Anup Nagrath (Delhi), Amith (Bangalore) and myself. We need some more, so please come forward and help the stuttering community.

I am looking forward to the people who have been regular contributors to the blog and yahoo group – Kiran, Akash, Mani sir, Jaiprakash, Ajit and others. Come on guys, let’s make it happen.



Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

1 thought on “New website for stammering

    Ajit Potdar

    (June 17, 2009 - 2:51 pm)

    I will certainly like to be associated with this project.

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