The Chennai meet on 11th Jan’2009 was attended by Sivasubramanian, Hassanand,
Kanniappan, Arunachalam, Ganapathy (SLP) and Manimaran. This time the meeting was
held in a mini conference hall of YWCA where 25 can be easily accommodated.
Every one spoke for about 15 min about their previous experiences and it was
very lively session. Then Manimaran told about slow reading technique which is very useful
for calming mind (of anybody) and which is given below for the benefit of others.
“Read a book in such a way that 3 sec pause have to be made between , &
.(important thing is it should be deliberate and conscious one) for about 15 min
a day.”
Finally the SLP spoke for about 15 min and gave valuable suggestions.
Arrangements for the meet on 24th Jan are in full swing. Everyone is welcome.