News @ Hyderabad SHG Meetup – June 9 2013

Below are members who attened meetup

1.Ramu 2.Dhyneshwar 3.Vallinayagam 4.Mahesh 5.Rajesh 6.Siva Teja.
Activities at meeting –
1.Surya Namaskhar teaching by Dhyneshwar
3.Role play by all members
4.Prepared speeches. (Links of videos included, each of 4 minutes )
5.Voluntary Stuttering along 2 kms of road.

At last we tried to record our prepared speeches in this meetup, Everyone were awesome in their speeches.
It looks great to see everyone speaking about positive things and smile on their faces.
Please click below links for videos

Next week also we will have prepared speeches and we will try to record all speeches.
We did Voluntary stuttering along 2 kms of road journey by walk, we did voluntary stuttering with policeman, shopkeepers, security guards, auto drivers etc..Its cool as usual 🙂

Meetup was awesome and enjoying !
We said bye to each other after deciding upon on next weeks agenda..

Together We Step Up, Together We Succeed.

Rajesh V.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

6 thoughts on “News @ Hyderabad SHG Meetup – June 9 2013


    (June 14, 2013 - 8:02 am)

    VS with policemen? I am positively impressed.. That is the ultimate test for anyone, pws or not!
    Keep up the enthusiasm..and the spirit of adventure..


    (June 14, 2013 - 8:12 am)

    Saw the videos too and I must say- everyone spoke very well! Hope all of you would look at your own and each other's videos couple of times. Study it carefully and if you can, take notes about: what is good about your speech- which can be further emphasised and practised? What is it which is distracting you- taking your attention away from the content, the message? (last actegory can be gradually removed thru practice, practice, practice..)..
    Make it a regular feature..

    Vishal Gupta

    (June 14, 2013 - 9:54 am)

    Wow.. all are looking Star… and Rajesh I appreciate you for this video recording Task… and i have watched each video.. it was marvellous and mindblowing


    (June 14, 2013 - 4:28 pm)

    @Sachin ji – Thank you so much, yeah police man was busy in collecting bribe and i tried to enter in that scene with Voluntary stuttering style! It was so nice.
    We will make prepared speeches as regular practice from here on.



    (June 14, 2013 - 4:29 pm)

    @Vishal – Thanks buddy for those words.
    i shall thank Mr.Vallinayam for getting his camera and videoing all the speeches..



    (June 15, 2013 - 6:10 pm)

    Wonderful Rajesh-gaaru.. you have been carrying Hyderabad SHG single-handedly.. This is great..

    Try to involve others as much as possible, start building/mentoring a 2nd co-ordinator for Hyderabad..

    Involve others in writing the report and organising the meet (.i.e mailing/calling/messaging pws for the meeting)

    To-gether lets step-up!! 🙂

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