News @ Hyderabad SHG meetup on 21st Feb

Report by Ramu.
 We were 15 members this week, We got three more new people this week. Two of them came to know about Tisa through the article in local news paper and one is through internet. Along with them we were 6 at 9am. So first we started the meeting by asking the new people about their stammering experiences and remedies they went through and the results of their trails. And it was followed by little intro about TISA and activities we do at shg meetings for the sake of new people. As time went on count has increased and we were 15 till 10am.

     Then we started our official meeting with 5 min meditation. And then with introduction round which is followed by a inspirational speech by Mr. Prasad.
It was around 11:45 when we done with this introduction and speech by Prasad.
As count is 15 so we decided to split the group into three subgroups which were coordinated Ramu, Santhosh, Srinivas respectively.
Activities done by first group:
  A few breathing exercises like anulom vilom,simhasana were discussed and practiced.
Activities done by second group:
    Made to speak the members by closing their eyes with a handkerchief.
Where everyone done well. And followed by voluteeri stammering.
Activities done with third group:
      Done with a roleplay round. Where each one has assigned a role and asked speak on that.
After done with our individual group activities we gathered at same spot
And discussed about the activities which we done and shared experiences.
With that we ended up our meet up with promise to attend for coming meeting.
Together We Step Up 🙂 Together We Succeed 🙂
Contact below members for further details.
Rajesh 96 76 82 0007    email id: rajesh.jaca”at”gmail”dot”com
Ramesh/ Sivaji 8897744248 email id:
Ramu   8143344240       email id: hyd.rams93″at”gmail”dot”com
Santosh Krishna 9849396919
Mauzzam 8712422972 and 8121709802

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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