One for all, All for one

The Pune SHG met on 11 April 14, 2010 at the same meeting place in the morning. It was nice to see the increase in the strength of the people this weekend. We had around 10 people in this meeting. As we were about to start the meeting we came to know that Nikhil’s uncle got expired and he had to leave. Our condolences to him and the family. This week we had a new member who joined us for the meeting. His name is Amol. So… the meeting started with Amol giving the introduction to the group and his expectation from the self help group, as this is what we normally ask from any new member who joins the group. After this we started the activities as we had decided in the last meeting. We did meditation, vocal exercises and slow reading in the group. It is my gut feeling that people are finding it helpful for them. I personally believe that we should be doing activities, as doing keeps the mind engaged and lets it believe we can be silent, and in control while speaking slowly. We took a break of 5 min. After this we played few games by manohar which got us out of our lethargic mood which had got crept due to long sessions of vocal exercises and the slow reading. Then we did the bouncing exercises which people have started taking the right tool for dismantling stuttering. After this there was a short speech presented by Sanjeeth on effective speaking which had real nice content and well presented too. Some of the takeaways of the speech were maintain right speed of speech, avoid using jargons, volume of speech should be right, and for god’s sake speak J After this we discussed the goals set for the week and achieved. Some of guys had achieved their goal completely, some partially, some did nothing and some had forgotten what were their goals ;-)…. So as a learnt measure we wrote down the goals of the people to keep a track and discuss in the next meeting. We also discussed what can be the possible weekly goals and set our goals for the coming week Lastly we discussed the meeting in general and the feedback from the people. One of the thing suggested by Manohar to include confession by the people related to stuttering situations in the past and how they were hurt. We can definitely include this in the next meeting. This will be optional if we do and people will have a choice to do or not to do. After that we departed. Agenda for the next meeting remains the same. There might be inclusion of above activity.

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

3 thoughts on “One for all, All for one


    (April 14, 2010 - 6:23 am)

    Sorry for the typo error guys, i will better be careful from next time.


    (April 14, 2010 - 7:10 am)

    Who cares for typo? I am impressed by the content and the fact that Pune SHG is doing so well, in spite of difficulties along the way.. I am also very pleased to see that Manohar and Sanjeet are putting to practice what they explored in Kolkata.. and of course you are a good documenter! Thnaks a lot!


    (April 14, 2010 - 7:36 am)

    Thanks sachin 🙂

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