
“..A small reflection on stammering…
recently I have been practicing more deep breathing and for longer
periods along with concentrating on different centers at the same
time(agya chakra and also the tip of my nose). Similar to the
information I remember reading in the Valsalva (sp?) technique book X
lent me, it seems to be a real aid not only for my sadhana, but also for
my speech. I never realized so directly have anxious and uneven my
breathing was or how my hypersensitiveness so often left me feeling
jittery and emotionally drained. The more I consciously practice a few
different of these breathing techniques throughout the day, the more
that trapped energy gets redistributed and does not build up or become
stuck, which seems to have a direct effect of the frequency of my
potential to stutter. I also feel more self confidence.
Not sure how much you have experientially
tested the effectiveness of breathing exercises for stammering. The
probelm is, from my perspective, that people have little or no capacity
for perseverance with ANYTHING, and just jump from one technique to
another, sort of like with spirituality or different Gurus, and they
never get very far. So who would have the time, dedication, and faith to
practice any technique for the duration required to see some real
We are so fickle. I still almost daily use EFT. You?..”
– Received from Anugrah, a friend

Post Author: Sachin

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