Venu: Esha Kids play Arena
JP Nagar Bangalore
Participants from L to R: Bhargav, Shreyas, Tapan, Arujun, Rahul.
In absence of our major general Dinesh and captain Praneeth, another captain Arjun took the lead to conduct SHG meeting today. The theme of todays meeting was reading from any book and elaboration of the read-out part. A numerous childhood trauma is associated with reading. Thanks to the stammering and Arjun wants us to travel back to those memorable moments.
Sheryas started with the Book ‘ The Alchemist’ authored by Paulo Coelho. Follow yours dreams in spite of many obstacles is main theme. How Santiago travel the far distant with his flock of sheep to find some treasure. He started with the preface and then read some chapter and elaborate it.
Next Rahul read from the ‘Think like a Monk’ by Jay Shetty. He describes how a top rank IIT-ian rejects all the worldly pleasure and turn to a monk, which inspire Jay Shetty. Bhargav goes one more step ahead. He wrote his own novel inspired by a Japanese Anime. Title is ‘ Kanasugala Sangama’ (Confluence of dreams). It’s a triangular love story revolving around Akash, Anjali and Priya. It has lots of imagination and twists. He presents us the story line and wish to make a 30 minutes short film in the near future.
Next, I read two passage from “Who will cry when you die” by Robin Sharma. The first is ‘see yours troubles as blessing’ and next ‘Remember the rule of 21’ i.e build a habit in 21 days. First you make the habit then habit will make you.
Last Arjun read some chapter from ‘Power of Now’ Eckhart Tolle. How well you utilize the present moment is the determinant of your long-term journey. For Example, as a stammer our main aim is fluency or acceptance and that is our long-term goal. But to be present at the SHG meeting week after week and utilize the two hours is the determinant of your trajectory and length of success. As the participants was less each of us got a good 20 mnts for net practice and fully charged up after the meeting. Bye..