Social problem, Social solution- this has been going on in my head like a mantra for some time. Yes, I think stammering is a problem whose solution can NOT be found just by reading a book, browsing web, posting a message in a chat group, watching a self help video- No, one must get out and talk to people. There is no substitute for this. And Self help group is the best and safest way of doing this. Here is an excerpt form an interview at Stuttering hub:
If you are determined to change the way you speak, try to access an intensive group speech therapy course; research shows that this seems to be the most effective way of being able to change your speech.
Here is the rest of the interview.
While browsing on internet, I came across Dominic Barker trust- and these touching lines:
The fund is in memory of a witty, intelligent and much loved young man for whom the burden of stammering was so great that he took his own life.
Here is the link.