Find yourself a dream..

JP told me about this amazing story of a PWS Basket ball player..Truly inspiring. Check out if you want to know how “weakness” can be turned into strength with a little shifting of consciousness.. JP, a young IT pro on a sabbatical, is doing fine in Samagra- learning how to counsel young CWS/ PWS; how […]

Catch them young!

It has been about an year since Samagra began working with children in local schools. Here is a quick recap:1. School authorities (teachers and management) rarely understand the implications of stammering for a young child. There is a great need to sensitize. “Special needs” are understood to be limited to just Mental retardation, blindness, deafness […]

World Disability day

We observed World Disability Day today in Vikasnagar. Many children, their care takers, social workers and others participated in the rally. Is stammering a disability? Tough question. But there are many who would respond in affirmative. The state may not do so, because that would have financial and constitutional implications. But people, whose life has […]

Stammering Workshop: Insights

The workshop (13-14 Sept 08) has left us with these insights, lessons and thoughts, derived through the two sub group activities, discussions, feedback and the Question answer sessions. PWS do not come forward for therapy, self help etc because of conservative negative social attitudes. Some young PWS worry about the possibility of their offspring inheriting […]

Two day workshop

Samagra Speech Support Group is holding a two day workshop on “Stammering” on 13th & 14th September 2008. We will be sharing latest research on causation and techniques for self therapy. Anyone interested- families, children, teachers etc. are welcome. Hindi and English, both will be used as medium of instruction as per the need. Venue: […]

Second Hindi podcast

Another podcast in Hindi from Samagra Speech support group! Very kindly hosted by Here are the links: the second Hindi podcast (20 mb, 44 minutes, 4 participants) The 45th issue of Stutertalk featuring it L-L-L-let’s talk about it..

Podcasting and stuttering

Samagra Speech support group has recorded its first pod cast, which has been kindly hosted by While recording it, we discovered that we had become quite serious and our thoughts were diving deep into the issue we were discussing- the four of us. We felt energized by the whole experience, especially when we played […]

From the foothills of Himalaya

A group of Canadian University students visited Samagra for four weeks. One of their Inquiry themes is Disability. They were shown two movies about stammering: ‘Unspeakable’ and ‘Courage to Speak’. They were taken to local schools where they interacted with a group of children with special needs, many dealing with speech issues. They have developed […]