TISA Communication workshop report

TISA is pleased to share the online report (pdf, 8.7 mb) of first Communication workshop conducted in Herbertpur from 7th to 16th Jan 2010. Ten IPWS participated in it. Two worked as facilitators. Everyone contributed to the onward momentum and collective sharing. The framework of the workshop was based on CALMS approach. Prolongation, bouncing, pausing and voluntray stuttering were some of the main techniques shared and practiced. Acceptance was dicsussed as an important underlying value. On return, how we can sustain this process of change, was discussed in the context of Self help groups- a core TISA strategy. There was a lot of fun too- a mountain trek and a boating picnic! We will share the participants’s formal feedback as soon as we receive it. Your feedback will be highly valued at satksri at gmail dot com.

Post Author: Sachin