TISA needs Help!

The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) is looking for volunteers to help us with the following:

1. We are upgarding our website from Joomla 1.5.19 to 2.5.2 and we need either – a smart way of migrating articles to the new version OR volunteers to do it manually under our supervision (4 volunteers could finish it in 7 days, if they gave 2 hours every day.  With this, you can proudly say to your children and grandchildren that you helped create the new website of TISA.

2. National Get Together (NGT) : We need volunteers to work with Rajesh (hyderabad) and Dinesh (Banglore)- for reaching out to IPWS all over India, through phone calls, emails, personal visit; for promoting the event on various forums like Orkut, Facebook etc- by writing in various columns and channels (message to Editors/ moderators) etc etc.The successful volunteers will be featured on our channels (blog and website) under the column: “Best Volunteer of the Year”. They will also get free counselling from sachin, whenever they need it.

So what are you waiting for ? Drop an email to info [at] stammer.in and start contributing.  Still not able to decide, then check this

Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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