Final Details : Communication workshop at Chandigarh

So, FINALLY everything is set for the communication workshop at Chandigarh.

Here are the Venue details –

YMCA, SECTOR 11-C CHANDIGARH 160011 U.T INDIA Phones :-+91 172-2746732; 2745644.

Rooms have been booked for the participants who have confirmed their participation.

Here is the Agenda for three days :

One clarification – Rs 1000 is a contribution towards the Venue expenses. People will have to pay for their own bode and logde at YMCA.

Please contact the facilitator Mr Jai Prakash Sunda (9915686678 , jaiprakashsunda at the rate of gmail dot com) in case you have any queries.
Dear all,

TISA is happy to announce its next communication workshop for people who stammer, at Chandigarh. Tentative dates are 24, 25, 26th June 2011. The participants will have to contribute Rs 1000 as a contribution towards direct expenses like rent for the venue and projector, printouts. Those who are interested can send crossed, account payee checks payable to Mr Nitin Tomer at the following address :

Mr Nitin Tomer
Phone number – 9818350799
D-152, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1,
New Delhi – 110020
Also along with sending out a check, please also send an email to jaiprakashsunda at the rate of gmail dot com and n.tomer at the rate of gmail dot com .

The registration fees is NON REFUNDABLE but TRANSFERABLE. The checks will be en-cashed only if we get 10 participants. In case the workshop gets cancelled, the cheques would be either sent back or destroyed.
Venue details will be updated soon.


Post Author: Harish Usgaonker

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